Université de Bordeaux, France (UB)
Institut National du Professorat et de l’Éducation de l’Académie de Bordeaux
Academic Coordinator
Dr. Stéphanie Péraud-Puigségur, MCF

Curriculum Vitae

Stéphanie Péraud-Puigségur is a lecturer in philosophy at the National Institute of Advanced Training and Education of Aquitaine and member of the SPH laboratory (Sciences, Philosophy, Humanities – University of Bordeaux – University of Bordeaux Montaigne). She trains principal education advisers and primary and secondary school teachers. Her research focuses on philosophers’ relationship to knowledge and on learning philosophical skills, as well as on the transmission of principles and values in education and on emancipatory teaching methods in the contemporary world.
Academic Coordinator
Prof. Christophe Miqueu

Curriculum Vitae

Christophe Miqueu is Full Professor of Political Philosophy and Philosophy of Education at the University of Bordeaux (INSPE d’Aquitaine), member of the Sciences Philosophy Humanities laboratory (UMR U 4574) and associate member of CEVIPOF, of Research Institute Montesquieu and of the Laboratory of Research on Practical Philosophy. He works on the history and theory of republican thought, and particularly on the philosophical foundations of the republican education, citizenship and secularism. He is the author of Spinoza, Locke et l’idée de citoyenneté. Une génération républicaine à l’aube des Lumières (Classiques Garnier, 2012), Penser la République, la guerre et la paix sur les traces de Jean-Jacques Rousseau (with G. Galice Slatkine, 2012, prix de l’Académie des sciences, arts et belles-lettres de Dijon) et de Comprendre la laïcité (Max Milo, 2019). He also has co-edited several collective works including Conflits et démocratie. Quel nouvel espace public ? (with H. Bentouhami, L’Harmattan, 2010), Locke’s Political Liberty: Readings and Misreadings (with M. Chamie, Voltaire Foundation, 2009) ; Harrington et le républicanisme à l’âge classique, PUB, 2014 (with B. Graciannette and J. Terrel) ; Ethique et déontologie dans l’éducation nationale, Armand Colin, 2013 (with J.-F. Dupeyron) ; Usages et mésusages de la laïcité : Education et politique, PUL, 2017 (with M. Estripeau-Bourjac and D. Gay-Sylvestre) ; Représentation politique et transformations de la citoyenneté. XVIIe-XXe siècles, Classiques Garnier, 2017 (with Ph. Crignon) ; Lumières et républiques : entre crises et renouvellements, revue Lumières, n° 27 & 28, PUB, 2018 (with J. Mondot) ; La laïcité, analyseur des fractures françaises… Que peut l’éducation ?, dans Recherches & Educations (with I. de Mecquenem) ; Penser la Commune (1871), L’Harmattan, 2022 (with J.-F. Dupeyron).

Copyright 2023 – Laboratory of Research on Practical Philosophy (L.R.P.Ph.), University of the Aegean

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