Practical Philosophy in education: philosophy & praxis of dialogue/discussion
University of the Aegean (UAegean)
Laboratory of Research on Practical Philosophy (L.R.P.Ph.)
Department of Preschool Education Sciences & Educational Design
Coordinator οf the Blended Intensive Program
Prof. Elena Theodoropoulou
Directress of the L.R.P.Ph.
Theodoropoulou, E., «Philosophy, Philosophy for Children, and Educational Aims: Affinities, Parallelisms and Exclusions», in: Marsal, E., Dobashi, T. Weber B. (Hrsg.) Children Philosophize Worldwide: Theoretical and Practical Concepts, Hodos – Wege bildungsbezogener Ethikforschung in Philosophie und Theologie herausgegeben vom Institut für Philosophie und Theologie, University of Education, Karlsruhe, Germany, Band 9, 2010, pp. 559-565 (click here)
Theodoropoulou, E., «The problematization effect and its double gestures», in: Strand, T., Papastefanou, M. (eds), Philosophy of Education as a Lived Experience: Navigating Through Dichotomies of Thought and Action, Germany: Verlag, 2014, pp. 135-152 (click here)
Theodoropoulou, E., «Philosophy of education: ways of presence and absence – from congruence to common sense and back», in: Pereira, P.-Ch. (coord.), L’espace public. Variations critiques sur l’urbanité / Espaço publico. Variaçοes crίtic as sobre a urbanidade, Porto: Ediçoes Afrontamento/ FCT, 2013, pp .67-93 (click here)
Theodoropoulou, E., «The emergence of emergent philosophizing: preliminary notes» (in collab. with Nikolidaki, S.), Childhood & Philosophy, v. 13, n. 26, Jan.-Apr., 2017, pp. 153-1 (click here)
Theodoropoulou, E., ‘Some-thing inside it»: Philosophy everywhere (?). Philosophical findings in literature paths», Diotime, Revue Internationale de didactique de la philosophie, n° 77 (juillet 2018) (click here)
Theodoropoulou, E., «Foreward: the gesture of practical philosophy», in: Theodoropoulou E. (dir.) Proceedings of the 1rst International Biennale of Practical Philosophy. Philosophy in praxis. The philosophical gesture: political, ethical, educational, artistic engagements, Rhodes: Ed. Laboratory of Research in Practical Philosophy (L.R.P.Ph.), University of the Aegean, 2019, pp. 34-50 (click here)
Theodoropoulou, E., «The Illusions of dialogue: dialogical experience in the classroom», Ιntroduction in: A. A. Petrou & G. Hadjivassili (coord.), Thinking in Philosophy for Children: Dialogue and Perspectives, Athens: Diadrassi, pp. 55-67, 2022 (click here)
For the support of the Workshop: “Discussion/Dialogue in Films. Views & interpretations”, s. the file Plot Summaries, here)
Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal (UC)
Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences
Academic Coordinator
Prof. Carlos Francisco de Sousa Reis
Reis, C., R., Formosinho, M. & Jesus, P., “Rescuing the ghost from the machine: towards responsive education and beyond explanatory machinery systems”, International Journal on Lifelong Education and Leadership, 2(1), 2016, pp. 7-15 (click here)