Journal Bolides
«Bolides, is the Network’s of Philosophy of Education in Praxis (NePhedinPrax) Ιnternational Journal which has the ambition to host an undisciplined and not condescending thinking. Following the significances of this title, the journal would like to understand thinking as a bright meteor which enters burning the atmosphere or an object launched in the space for research reasons, a crater-forming body whose composition is unknown, a javelin, a sounding lead, a projectile, a bullet, something moving very fast, a throw of dice, a flash. A thinking which arrives, explodes, recedes, explores, doubts, is suspicious, it moves as the need comes, capable to open spaces, trace paths. The Journal accepts contributions discussing about Philosophy of Education and its ways to be praxis, to relate to praxis, to create praxial experiences, to think about praxis, to develop praxis within philosophy of education. All questions connect philosophy and education through an interdisciplinary understanding reconceptualizing possible views on this connection and trying to recognize philosophy of education possibly out of the university borders, not mainly as a university discourse. The Journal is open mainly to young researchers and to intercultural perspectives».
Bolide’s Editor