Network of Philosophy of Education in Praxis (NePhEdinPrax)
Réseau de Philosophie de l’Éducation en Praxis (RePhEdenPrax)
Δίκτυο Φιλοσοφία της Παιδείας στην Πράξη (ΔιΦιΠραξ)
Manuscripts’ Languages:
Texts can be submitted in French, English or Greek. Abstracts must be written in French & English (& for Greek writers also in Greek). * Texts in Greek, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese & German are also accepted, provided that the submission includes an extensive summary (from 3 to 5 pages) in French or English.
References Recording System:
For the References Recording System & General Guidelines, clickhere
Copyright 2021 – Laboratory of Research on Practical Philosophy (L.R.P.Ph.), University of the Aegean
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