Andrea Potestio is Associate Professor of General and Social Pedagogy (scientific-disciplinary sector M-PED/01) at the Human and Social Sciences Department of the University of Bergamo. In November 2020, he obtained the National Scientific Qualification to function as Full Professor in the sector 11/D1. He teaches General Pedagogy in the bachelor’s degree of Education Sciences and Pedagogy of Labour in the master’s degree in Pedagogical Sciences. His main research lines are two: 1) the first, more theoretical and epistemological, focuses on the study, for main categories and specific differences, of some essential concepts of Pedagogy, such as care, education, training, with a particular attention to their evolution in pedagogical tradition. The study of those themes produced an in-depth analysis of their advantage in both formal and non-formal educational and training processes, and of their narrative methods, useful in a pedagogical area. This theoretical nucleus can be found in the volume Bisogno di cura, desiderio di educazione (with Fabio Togni – La Scuola publishing house, 2011) and in several papers and participations in national conferences and seminars. The reflections about the Epistemology of Pedagogy started from the study of Jean Jacques Rousseau’s works; they were collected in the publication of the volume Un altro Émile. Rilettura di Rousseau (La Scuola publishing house – 2013) and in a new critical Italian translation of the Émile, updated to the more recent national and international publications about Rousseau’s works (Studium publishing house – 2016); 2) the second research line concerns the Pedagogy of Labour and the analysis of the formative dimensions of labour activities and the related epistemological issues, starting from the enhancement of the pedagogical principle of Educational Alternation, also through the historical study of some pedagogical theories about the connection between theory and practice.
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