Curriculum vitae
Camille Roelens
Camille Roelens is a researcher at the Interdisciplinary Research Center in Ethics of the University of Lausanne, PhD in education and training (thesis in political philosophy of education on authority in democracy) and qualified as a teacher-researcher by the French National Council of Universities in this discipline and in philosophy. His research aims at proposing a comprehensive approach to hypermodern democratic mutations, in a multi-referential and interdisciplinary approach mobilizing in particular the frameworks of contemporary political, moral and education/training philosophies. He is an associate researcher of several research components: dhCenter UNIL-EPFL; Laboratory of Research on Practical Philosophy (L.R.P.Ph., Rhodes) ; Centre Interuniversitaire de Recherche en Education de Lille (Proféor team) ; Laboratoire Éducation, Cultures, Politiques (ECP, Lyon); Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire de Recherche sur les Questions Vives en Formation et en Éducation (LIRFE, Angers); Centre de Recherche en Education de Nantes (CREN). He is a member of the following international research networks: Groupe de Recherche sur l’Éducation et les Musées (GREM), UQAM; Collectif Pour une Ingénierie Réflexive et Critique (PIREC), CIREL-FOAP / Université de Lille-CNAM; Collectif Aventures et Ressources Éthiques (CARE), UNIL; Groupe de Recherche Éthique en Éducation et formation, UQAM; Network Philosophy of Education in Praxis (NePhedinPrax, L.R.P.Ph., University of the Aegean). He is also secretary and responsible for digital issues (website management, newsletter distribution, mailing list moderation…) of the Société Francophone de Philosophie de l’éducation (SOFPHIED) and of the Association des Enseignants.e.s et Chercheur.e.s en Sciences de l’Education (AECSE).