Full Professor of Philosophy of Education with emphasis on Practical Philosophy. She has been visiting or invited professor to several universities in France, Portugal, Italy, Germany, Canada, Brazil, Israel, Mexico, Taiwan, Japan, United States, China. Scientific coordinator in European & National projects, collaborator in international research groups, founding member of the SofPhied (Francophone Society of Philosophy of Education), & Afierasm («Association francophone internationale d’éthique de la relation d’aide et de la santé mentale »), foreign researcher to FCT of Portugal and to National Foundation of Research of Brazil, and member of the Scientific Committee of the Unesco Chair «Practices of philosophy with children: an educational basis for the intercultural dialogue & the social transformation”. Αssociate researcher (http://www.llcp.univ-paris8.fr/spip.php?article1758) at the LLCP (Laboratoire D’études et de Recherches sur les Logiques Contemporaines de la Philosophie) Université Paris 8, Vincennes-Saint-Denis & Associate member of the SPH Laboratory (Sciences, Philosophy, Humanities – UMR(U) 4574 jointly authorized by the University of Bordeaux and the University of Bordeaux-Montaigne. Founder of the international Network Philosophy of Education in Praxis (NePhedinPrax), member of the Scientific Committees and reviewer in international Journals, editor & co-editor respectively of the international Journals Amechanon (“International Journal of the Laboratory of Research on Practical Philosophy”), Epistrophe/Eprepe (“Journal of Professional Ethics in Philosophy and Education- Studies and Practices”) & Bolides “International Journal of Philosophy of Education on Praxis”). Editor of a series of collective volumes with international participation, she has published in Greek, French, Spanish and English. She has organized numerous international conferences, symposiums and workshops/seminars. Founder & directress of the Laboratory of Research on Practical Philosophy (L.R.P.Ph.) & initiator & president of the International Biennale on Practical Philosophy. She conducts research in the fields of philosophy of education, practical philosophy and its polytropic forms (about the bonds between practical philosophy & arts, especially through the concepts of objects and body), philosophical ethics in education and in its applied forms (professional and environmental ethics) and she has opened from the 2002 the field of Philosophy with Children and from the 2012 the question of professional ethics in education through philosophy in the Greek University.
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