Students Erasmus +
Neila Ruiz Alfonzo. PhD student, State University of Rio de Janeiro-Center of Studies of Philosophies and Childhoods / Master in Brazilian Music (teaching-learning processes), Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro / Teacher and choral conductor at the Department of Musical Education of the Pedro II School.
Title of thesis: “Interlocutions between Music and Philosophy in Public Schools: Experiences of a Borderless Thinking?”
In the frame of the bilateral agreement Erasmus+ between the Post-Graduate Program in Education, of the State University of Rio de Janeiro & the Department of Preschool Education Sciences and Educational Design / School of Humanities / University of the Aegean & according to the Bilateral Agreement between the Laboratory of Research on Practical & Applied Philosophy (L.R.P.A.Ph.) and the Post-Graduate Program in Education, of the State University of Rio de Janeiro, Ms. Neila Ruiz Alfonzo has completed 4 month period of studies in the L.R.P.A.Ph. and wrote part of her doctoral thesis, under the responsibility of Prof. Elena Theodoropoulou.
Maricela Pérez López. PhD student & MEd, Superior Institute of Education Sciences – State of Mexico / Kindergarten teacher at Cuauhtémoc School, Providencia, San José del Rincón, State of Mexico.
Title of thesis: “From student to teacher: construction of himself”
In the frame of the bilateral agreement Erasmus+ between the Superior Institute of Education Sciences, of the State of Mexico & the Department of Preschool Education Sciences and Educational Design / School of Humanities / University of the Aegean & according to the Bilateral Agreement between the Laboratory of Research on Practical & Applied Philosophy (L.R.P.A.Ph.) and the Superior Institute of Education Sciences, of the State of Mexico, Ms. Maricela Pérez López has completed a 3 month period of studies in the L.R.P.A.Ph. and wrote part of her doctoral thesis, under the responsibility of Prof. Elena Theodoropoulou.
Caner Ceran. Kindergarten teacher, postgraduate student at Hacettepe University in Ankara, Department of Preschool Education.
Master thesis title: “Analysing Children’s Picture Books In Terms Of Their Support On Critical Thinking Skills Development “
In the frame of the bilateral agreement Erasmus+ between the Hacettepe University/Department of Preschool Education & the Department of Preschool Education Sciences and Educational Design / School of Humanities / University of the Aegean, Mr. Ceran completed a 5-month period of study in the L.R.P.A.Ph. & the Postgraduate Program “Children book & Educational material” and wrote part of his master thesis, under the responsibility of Prof. Elena Theodoropoulou.
Ana Belem Diosdado Ramos. PhD student of Educational Sciences and MEd in Research of Education, Superior Institute of Education Sciences – State of Mexico / Bachelor of Hispanic Language and Literature, National Autonomous University of Mexico / Academic Adviser of Secondary Education, Providencia, Cuautitlán Izcalli, State of Mexico.
Title of the thesis: “Teaching narratives about coexistence: the responsibility of being-together in the afternoon high school”.
In the frame of the bilateral agreement Erasmus+ between the Superior Institute of Education Sciences, of the State of Mexico & the Department of Preschool Education Sciences and Educational Design / School of Humanities / University of the Aegean & according to the Bilateral Agreement between the Laboratory of Research on Practical & Applied Philosophy (L.R.P.A.Ph.) and the Superior Institute of Education Sciences, of the State of Mexico, Ms. Ana Belem Diosdado Ramos, completed a 3-month period of study in the L.R.P.A.Ph. and wrote part of her doctoral thesis, under the responsibility of Prof. Elena Theodoropoulou.
Antoine Bélanger. Postgraduate student at the University of Laval, Faculty of Philosophy.
Master thesis title: “L’Anabase à la lumière des Mémorables Xénophon, devin et stratège”.
In the frame of the bilateral agreement Erasmus+ between the University of Laval & the Department of Preschool Education Sciences and Educational Design of the University of the Aegean & according to the Bilateral Agreement between the Faculty of Philosophy of University of Laval and the L.R.P.Ph., Mr. Bélanger completed a 3-month period of study in the L.R.P.Ph. & the Postgraduate Program “Design & Development of Educational Units” and wrote part of his master thesis, under the responsibility of Prof. Elena Theodoropoulou.
Pascal Eloy. PhD student, Centre for the Study of Contemporary Religious, University of Sherbrooke, Canada (supervisors: Prof. Edith Ellefsen & Prof. Jacques Quintin)
Title of the thesis: “The experience of consolation among men in care relationships, suffering from their masculinity”.
Mr Pascal Eloy, will complete a 3-month period of study in the L.R.P.Ph. in order to write part of his doctoral thesis, under the responsibility of Prof. Elena Theodoropoulou.
Qi Li. PhD student, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taiwan (supervisor: Prof. Joyce C.H. Liu)
Title of the thesis: “Land-taking for technology parks: the gridlocked development of urban villages in Shanghai and Taipei”.
Mrs Qi Li, will complete a 3-month period of study in the L.R.P.Ph. in order to write part of his doctoral thesis, under the responsibility of Prof. Elena Theodoropoulou.
Ann-Sophie Gravel. Postgraduate student, University of Laval, Quebec, Canada (supervisors: Prof. Catherine Rioux & Prof. Patrick Turmel)
Master thesis title: “The rationality of love in the 21st century: the gamification of love and the ethics of dating apps”.
In the frame of the bilateral agreement Erasmus+ between the University of Laval & the Department of Preschool Education Sciences and Educational Design of the University of the Aegean & according to the Bilateral Agreement between the Faculty of Philosophy of University of Laval and the L.R.P.Ph., Mrs. Ann-Sophie Gravel will complete a 2-month period of study in the L.R.P.Ph. & the Postgraduate Program “Design & Development of Educational Units” in order to write part of her master thesis, under the responsibility of Prof. Elena Theodoropoulou.
Yukina Kuriyama. Undergraduate student at Soka University (Education/ Primary Education), Tokyo, Japan
In the frame of the bilateral agreement Erasmus+ between the Soka University (Education/ Primary Education) & the Department of Preschool Education Sciences and Educational Design / School of Humanities / University of the Aegean, Ms Kuriyama will complete a 2-month traineeship in the L.R.P.Ph., under the responsibility of Prof. Elena Theodoropoulou.
Laurence Hamel. Master’s student in Applied Ethics, Faculty of Philosophy, Applied Ethics, Laval University, Quebec, Canada (supervisor: Prof. Jacques Quintin)
Master thesis title: “Le rôle des programmes d’éthique et de conformité dans la mise en place d’un système d’intégrité publique”.
In the frame of the bilateral agreement Erasmus+ between the University of Laval & the Department of Preschool Education Sciences and Educational Design of the University of the Aegean & according to the Bilateral Agreement between the Faculty of Philosophy of University of Laval and the L.R.P.Ph., Mrs. Laurence Hamel will complete a 2-month period of study in the L.R.P.Ph. & the Postgraduate Program “Design & Development of Educational Units” in order to write part of her master thesis, under the responsibility of Prof. Elena Theodoropoulou.
Nathalie Plaat. PhD student, Centre for Contemporary Religious Studies, University of Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada (supervisors: Prof. Jacques Quintin & Prof. Marc Dumas)
Title of the thesis: ‘‘The Words to Express It: Hermeneutics of the Significant Moments Experienced by Oncologists in the Context of Their Practice’’
Mrs Nathalie Plaat, will complete a 3-month period of study in the L.R.P.Ph. in order to write part of her doctoral thesis, under the responsibility of Prof. Elena Theodoropoulou.
Israel Martinez Quiroz. Master’s student in Education Research, Higher Institute of Education Sciences, State of Mexico (supervisor: Prof. Pablo Flores del Rosario)
Master thesis title: “English language teachers: The dwelling of their practicum with deaf students”.
In the frame of the bilateral agreement Erasmus+ between the Superior Institute of Education Sciences, of the State of Mexico & the Department of Preschool Education Sciences and Educational Design of the University of the Aegean & according to the Bilateral Agreement between the Superior Institute of Education Sciences, of the State of Mexico and the L.R.P.Ph., Mr. Israel Martinez Quiroz will complete a 2-month period of study in the L.R.P.Ph. & the Postgraduate Program “Design & Development of Educational Units” in order to write part of his master thesis, under the responsibility of Prof. Elena Theodoropoulou.
Roni Schecter. PhD student, University of Haifa, Israel (supervisor: Prof. Arie Kizel)
Title of the thesis: “Hope in the educational venues—between presence and absence.” In Philosophy of Education”.
Mrs Roni Schecter, will complete a 3-month period of study in the L.R.P.Ph. in order to write part of her doctoral thesis, under the responsibility of Prof. Elena Theodoropoulou.
Luo Xinyue. Master’s student in Translation and Interpreting (MTI), School of Foreign Languages, University of Electronic Science and Technology, China (supervisor: Prof. Liu Wenling)
Master thesis title: “A Translation Practice Report on Chengdu: Aesthetics of Living”.
In the frame of the bilateral agreement Erasmus+ between the School of Languages of the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China & the Department of Preschool Education Sciences and Educational Design of the University of the Aegean & according to the Bilateral Agreement between the School of Languages of the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China and the L.R.P.Ph., Mrs. Luo Xinyue will complete a 2-month period of study in the L.R.P.Ph. & the Postgraduate Program “Design & Development of Educational Units” in order to write part of her master thesis, under the responsibility of Prof. Elena Theodoropoulou.