Research Activities
Research interests
Philosophy of Education, Practical Philosophy and its polytropic forms and about the bonds between practical philosophy & arts, especially through the concepts of objects and body, Εthics in Education and forms of applied ethics in education/professional ethics, Philosophy in education/Philosophy with children, Pedagogy of philosophy, philosophical experiences & practices in literature & arts, Qualitative methodologies of research & training (problematization-dilemmatization, research journal).
Collaborations & Projects
Scientific Responsible (for the Greek partnership) of Tempus program: «Continuous Training of workers of the tourism sector in Caucasia» (FCTK) [2007-2010]. Partners: France, Caucasia, Abakan, Vladivostok, Greece. Scientific co-responsible (for the Greek partnership) in the following programs: 1. «SOPE – Service of orientation and placement of students» [2005-2008]. Partners: France, Moldavia, Greece. 2. «Education for life-Social work» [2005-2006]. Partners: France, Yekaterinburg / Russia, Greece. 3. «Education for life – professions of tourism, hotels and restoration» [2005-2006]. Partners: France, Yekaterinburg / Russia, Caucasia, Greece.
2010-2014: Departmental Responsible for the Special Convention of International Collaboration between the Universities of Rouen (France) and Aegean (Greece). In this frame, coordinator of the Network of PhD Formation in Sciences of Education (REFODOSE), which includes the Departments of Sciences of Education of the University of the Aegean & responsible for the collaboration between the European Master for the Research on Sciences of Education (MERSE) with the Department of Preschool Sciences of Education & Educational Design (D.P.S.E.E.D.), University of the Aegean.
2000-2001: Participation in the training and drafting committee of the proposal “University Education Internship”, in the framework of the Operational Program of Education and Initial Professional Training II, “Vocational guidance and labour market connection”, measure 2.4
2003-2004: Participation in the project team for the institutional proposal for the “Interuniversity – Transnational – Interdepartmental Master’s programme “Environmental Education”, in the Cooperation Axis: Greece – Turkey – Black Sea Countries.
2002-2004: Participation in the project team for the formulation and submission of the institutional proposal, in the framework of the Operational Program of Education and Initial Professional Training II, for the funding of actions, “School Programmes of Environmental Education”. Participation in the support team and evaluator within the same project.
Coordinator / scientific coordinator (for the Greek part) of the Leonardo de Vinci Project “Vocational Professionalization by Practising Philosophy (with Children)- VP3”. Partners: Austria, Germany, Greece, Greece, Romania. The above was awarded the “Lifelong Learning Award 2011” in Vienna on 2 December 2011. It was ranked among the three most successful LEONARDO DA VINCI programmes at the level of good practice in Austria, out of a total of 500 programmes.
2008: Collaboration with the Laboratory Expérice (Axis of research «l’éducation tout au long de la vie»: Université de Paris 8 de Vincennes à Saint-Denis UFR SEPF / Département des Sciences de l’éducation: project, Terre et culture en transe/Collection Terre et cultures en transe. Collaborators: (France) Jacques Ardoino, Remi Hess, Martine Abdallah-Pretceille, Guy Berger, Lucette Colin (Germany) Gabi Weigand, Christoph Wulf, Daniel Cohn-Bendit.
2007 & hereafter: Research collaboration with Ann Margaret Sharp, Gregory Maughn, (Institute of The Advancement of Philosophy for Children /Montclair University), Daniela Camhy (Graz Universität/ Austrian Center for Philosophy with Children), on teaching of Philosophy in School and on «Philosophy for Children».
2001-2010: Member of the International Research Team CIEDUS (Université Santiago de Cali/Colombie): Colombie, Greece, Germany, France. This research program had been evaluated in the category A1 (Excellence) from the Colombian Research National Agent of Evaluation (COLCIENCIAS. Grupo de Investigación Ciencias de la Educación, Educación superior y Conceptos, CIEDUS/Categoría A1 (Excelencia). Fecha de creación 08/2001). Research Axxes: A. Conceptos, saberes y educación Superior B. Políticas, prácticas, organización y educación superior C. Sociedad del conocimiento, tic’s y educación superior.
2010-2016. Researcher in Gabinete de Filosofia da Educaçâo de l’Instituto de Filosofia, in the frame of the project «Philosophie de l’éducation et contemporanéité».
Foreigner researcher in: 1. FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia- Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e ensino superior) & 2. National Foundation of Research of Brazil (CNPq – Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico.
2014-2017 : Μember of the team research of the inter-universitary / interdisciplinary project: «Τhe Well-Being in school». Collaborators: ESPE d’Aquitaine: Bénédicte Courty (clinical psychology), Jean-François Dupeyron (philosophy), Christophe Miqueu (philosophy) / ESPE de Créteil-Paris-Versailles: Émilie Boujut (psychology)/ Université de Strasbourg: Claire Metz clinical psychology, Anne Thévenot (clinical psychology) / Université de Lyon 2: Christine Morin-Messabel, Marie Préau (social psychology) / Université de Lyon 1: Muriel Salle (history of education) / Paris VII: Emmanuel Arlot (philosophy) [France]. Université de Sherbrooke: Jacques Quintin (philosophy) [Canada], Elena Théodoropoulou (philosophy [Grèce]).
2006-2016: Member of the European network PROBLEMA & Member of the Scientific Committee of the Network (members: Université de Nantes, Université Catholique de l’Ouest, Université de Trois Rivières-Québec, Universidad da Porto, Université Libre de Bruxeles, Université de Caen, Uniersité de Bordeaux 4, Université de Lille).
2012-2013 : Collaboration with the Laboratory CiViic of the Depqrtment of Sciences of Education/ School of Human and Social Sciences of the University of Rouen.
Founder Member of the Francophone Society of Philosophy of Education (Sofphied).
Founder / Coordinator of International Network «Philosophy of Education in Praxis» (NePhEdinPrax),
Founder Member Association francophone internationale d’éthique de la relation d’aide et de la santé mentale (afierasm).
Responsible for the participation of the Greek side in the project «Practices of Philosophy with Children: un educational base for the intercultural dialogue & social transformation» / UNITWUIN Programs – UNESCO Chairs (under the responsibility of the University of Nantes and with the support of the research program EnJeu[x] (University of Angers).
Member of the Scientific Committee & Research Committee of the Unesco Chair “Pratiques de la philosophie avec les enfants: une base éducative pour le dialogue interculturel et la transformation sociale” (
Member of the Mediterranean Association for Philosophy with Children (MAPwC).
2014-2016: Scientific coordinator for the Greek part in the project «Artistic and philosophical practices for changing the school» (PHILARPE) held by the Laboratory Education, Cultures, Politics (ECP, university of Lyon2) and the Laboratory of Research in Practical & Applied Philosophy (L.R.P.A.Ph.) / University of the Aegean. The project is approved by the University Lyon2. [//]
2015-2017: Scientific coordinator for the Greek part in the project «Schoolchild on her island» held by: ESPE d’Aquitaine & the University of Bordeaux, the groups of research, CEMCC, LACES, LITT&ARTS, MICA et SPH , the Laboratory L.R.Ph.P.A. /University of the Aegean. Partner Organisation: Direction of Primary Education of Dodecanese. The project is approved by the University of Bordeaux. [//]
Director of the «Laboratory of Research in Practical Philosophy» (L.R.P.Ph.), //
Conception, coordination & scientific responsibilty of the inter-universitary/ interdisciplinary European project: ‘Philosophical Objects’ (for the first cycles of implementation, collaborating Laboratories: «Laboratoire Art / Architecture dans la Sphère Publique», Département d’Architecture / Université de Patras & «Laboratoire de Recherche Éducation Cultures et Politiques», Axis 3, Politiques de l’art et de la culture en éducation et de la formation University of Lumière Lyon2). [//]
Coordinator on behalf of Greek side in the frame of Bilateral Agreements for independent cooperation between «Laboratory of Research on Practical Philosophy»(L.R.P.Ph.) and the following structures/ institutions: Center for Interdisciplinary Research and Community Intervention of ISCET-Higher Institute of Business and Tourism Sciences (Centro de Investigação Interdisciplinar e Intervenção Comunitária of ISCET- Instituto Superior de Ciências Empresariais e do Turismo), Faculty of Philosophy, University of Laval, Québec, Canada (Faculté de Philosophie de l’Université Laval, Québec, Canada), Higher Institute of Educatiοn Sciences of the State of Mexico, (Instituto Superior de Ciencias de la Educación del Estado de México), Post-Graduate Program in Education, State University of Rio de Janeiro,(Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação [ProPEd], Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro [UERJ]), Laboratory of Studies & Researches on Contemporary Logics of Philosophy/EA 4008, University Paris 8-Saint Denis (Laboratoire d’ Études et de Recherches sur les Logiques Contemporaines de la Philosophie /EA 4008, Université de Paris 8 – Saint-Denis), Department of Learning, Instruction and Teacher Education, University of Haifa, School of Fine Arts of the University of Ioannina, Laboratory of Image, Sound and Cultural Representation, of the Department of Cultural Technology and Communication of the University of the Aegean (//
International associated researcher ( at the « Laboratory of studies & researches on the contemporary logics of philosophy» (LLCP/ Statut /Code : EA 4008, Université Paris 8, Vincennes-Saint-Denis
November 2020-October 2023: Member of the Council of the Universities participating in the strategic European Alliance ERUA and scientific coordinator on behalf of the University of the Aegean of the project “European Reform University Alliance [ERUA]», (code project 101004053)” & of the Work Package WP5 – “ Re-imagining the Campus”. The project is realized in the frame of the European Community Initiative “European Universities” of the Program Erasmus+ whereas the ΕRUA Alliance includes as partners 5 European universities: University of Paris 8 (France), Roskilde University (Danemark), University of Konstanz (Germany), University of the Aegean (Greece), New Bulgarian University (Βulgaria).
October 2021-September 2024. Scientific Coordinator of the project «Research and Engagement for the European Reform University Alliance [Re-ERUA]» (code project 101035808 ), financed by the program of H2020-IBA-SwafS-Support-2-2020 and scientific coordination of the Work Package “WP3 The Alliance as an engine for Human Capital” in the same project.
November 2020-May 2023: Scientific Coordinator of the Action “Digital Learning & Skills Development: Promotion of Interregional Competition of the development and employing & Career Center of Researchers of the Aegean” in the frame of the sub-project 2 of the Act with MIS 5046494 and title “Network of research & Technology of the Aegean Archipelago: Support of Peripheral Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Excellence [e-Aegean R&D Network]», E.P. “Competitivity, Entrepreneurship & Innovation”.
Scientific responsible for the Greek participation in the project PhileAct-Philosophy, Childhood, Action and Citizenship (KA220-HED – Cooperation partnerships in higher education/Erasmus+) in the context of the UNESCO Chair “Pratiques de la philosophie avec les enfants”, coordinated by the University of Nantes. Partner Institutions: PhiloCité asbl Belgium Prov. Liège, Université d’Egée / Laboratoire de Recherche en Philosophie Pratique (L.R.Ph.P.), Université Dde Guyane, France Cayenne, Université Saint-Joseph-Lebanon, Université de Nouvelle CaledonieFrance, Université de la Polynésie française France, Gabinete de Estratégia, Planeamento e Avaliação Culturais Portugal Lisboa Lisboa.
Scientific Responsible of the project: “Αcquisition of Academic Didactic Experience for New Scientists Ηolder of PhD 2017-2018 /2018-2019/ 2019-2020/ 2020-2021/ 2021-2022/ 2022-2023 in the University of the Aegean”, code 70183, 80301, 70751, 80098, 80647, 80846, Οperational Program, Development of Human Ressources, Εducation and Life Long Learning 2014-2020, with co-financing from the European Social Fund and National ressources (01/10/2017-30/11/2023)
Scientific Responsible of the project: «Internship in the University of the Aegean for the academic year 2022-2023”, code 80885, Οperational Program, Development of Human Ressources, Εducation and Life Long Learning 2014-2020, with co-financing from the European Social Fund and National ressources (25/11/2022-30/11/2023)
Scientific Responsible of the project: «Support of educational activities of the University of the Aegean for the academic year 2021-2022 with integration of supplementary teaching in addition to main lectures”, code 80802, Οperational Program, Development of Human Ressources, Εducation and Life Long Learning 2014-2020, with co-financing from the European Social Fund and National ressources (15/02/2022 – 30/04/2022)
Scientific Responsible of the project: “Liaison Office of the University of the Aegean”, code 80567, Οperational Program, Development of Human Ressources, Εducation and Life Long Learning 2014-2020, with co-financing from the European Social Fund and National ressources (17/05/2021-30/09/2023)
Scientific Responsible of the project: “Unit of Quality Assurance (UQA) of the University of the Aegean”, code 80758, Οperational Program, Development of Human Ressources, Εducation and Life Long Learning 2014-2020, with co-financing from the European Social Fund and National ressources (21/10/2021-30/11/2023)
Scientific Responsible of the project: “Office of Support for Teaching and Learning in the University of the Aegean”, code 80842, Οperational Program, Development of Human Ressources, Εducation and Life Long Learning 2014-2020, with co-financing from the European Social Fund and National ressources (01/07/2022-30/10/2023)
Scientific Responsible of the project: “ERASMUS+/ Learning Mobility of Individuals between Countries of the Programme 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021. 2022 ΚΑ103»
Scientific Responsible of the project: “ERASMUS+/ Learning Mobility of Individuals between Countries of the Programme and Partner Countries, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 ΚΑ107»
November 2023-October 2027: scientific coordinator on behalf of the University of the Aegean of the project “European Reform University Alliance2” [Acronym :ERUA 2], (project code 101124451/ ERASMUS-EDU-2023-EUR-UNIV-1/Type of Action: ERASMUS-LS) which is carried out within the framework of the European Union Initiative “European Universities” of the Erasmus+ Program. The Network-Alliance (ERUA) involves 8 universities: Université Paris 8 (France)/coordination, University of the Aegean (Greece), New Bulgarian University (Bulgaria), SWPS Uniwersytet Humanistycznospoleczny (Poland), Universidad De Las Palmas De Gran Canaria (Spain), Universita Degli Studi Di Macerata (Italy), Stiftung Europa-Universitat Viadrina Frankfurt (Germany), Mykolo Romerio Universitetas (Lithuania) & 2 more universities as associated partners: Roskilde University (Denmark), University of Konstanz (Germany)
Associate member of the SPH Laboratory (Sciences, Philosophy, Humanities – UMR(U) 4574 jointly authorized by the University of Bordeaux and the University of Bordeaux-Montaigne.
Member- scientific collaborator to the Scientific Interest Group THE SUBJECT IN THE CITY, Sorbonne Paris Nord – Campus Condorcet (in co-direction of prof. Christine Delory-Momberger & Martine Janner-Raimondi & in collaboration with eight universities, laboratories and research centres in the educational sciences in Europe and Latin America, as well as two associations and an arts and culture centre),