Professor  of Philosophy of Education
with emphasis on Practical Philosophy

Director of the Laboratory of Research
on Practical Philosophy
Department of Preschool Education Sciences
and Educational Design (D.P.E.S.E.D.)
University of the Aegean
That is not it at all,
That is not what I meant, at all.
T.S. Eliot

Elena Theodoropoulou


Studies - Teaching

Department of Philosophy of the Faculty of Philosophy of the National University of Athens, «Kapodistriakon» 2. D.E.A., Philosophy (Traditions religieuses et dogmes Philosophiques), University François Rabelais of Tours 3. Phd, University René Descartes of Poitiers – Faculty of Human Sciences [Thesis committee: supervisor: Vieillard-Βarοn, J.-L. , members: Ρinchard, Β. [Tours] , Frère, J. [Strasbourg], Brès Υ. [Paris 7, Denis Diderot], , Santillan, D.] [Poitiers]. 4. D.E.A., Sciences of Antiquity, University René Descartes of Poitiers – Faculty of Letters and Languages, Greek Institute.
Dpt of Preschool Education Sciences & Educational Design (D.P.E.S.E.D.), Univ/ty of the Αegean/ Department of Sciences of Education & Institute of Teaching at a Distance, «Studies at a Distance in Sciences of Education», Paris 8 Vincennes-Saint-Denis/ “Superior School of Pedagogical & Technological Education” -A.S.PAI.T.E., Greece/ Master 2 Sciences of Education, mention: Education, Training & Social Intervention (EFIS), Paris 8 Vincennes-Saint-Denis, / Master Program: «Environmental Education», Univ/ty of the Aegean/ Master Program: «Socio-cultural education & training of animators», Democritean University of Thrace, National & Kapodistrian Univ/ty of Athens, Univ/ty of the Aegean/ Master Program: «Models of Design & Development of Educational Units», Univ/ty of the Aegean/ Master Program: «Moral Philosophy», National & Kapodistrian Univ/th of Athens/ Master Program: «Children Book & Pedagogical Material», Univ/ty of the Aegean/ Master Program: «Psycho Pedagogy of Integration: A school for all», Αristotelian Univ/ty of Thessaloniki, Univ/ty of the Aegean/ Master Program: «Education for the Environment and the Sustainability», Democritean University of Thrace / European Master of Research in Sciences of Education [MERSE], University of Rouen.
Visiting & Invited Professor: 1. Université de Paris 8 de Vincennes à Saint-Denis UFR SEPF / Département des Sciences de l’éducation/Institut d’Enseignement à Distance  Ecole Doctorale 401 en sciences sociales / Laboratoire Expérice. 2. Université de Rouen/ U.F.R. de Psychologie, Sociologie et Sciences de l’Education/Laboratoire CiViiC. 3. Université Catholique de l’Ouest / Master 2 Sciences de l’Education, mention Education, formation et intervention sociale (EFIS)/UCO Ecole Doctorale. 4. Université de Caen-Basse Normandie. 5. Université de Bordeaux, 6. IF/GFE Université de Porto, Institut de Philosophie de l’Université de Porto /RG Philosophie de l’Éducation et contemporanéité. 7.  CIPAF/Escola Superior de Educação Paula Frassinetti-Portugal 8. Universidad del Estado de Rio de Janeiro (UERJ)-Brésil 9. Instituto Superior de Ciencias de la Educacion del Estado de Mexico –Mexico. 10.  University of Haifa/Dep. of Learning, Instruction & Teacher Education, Faculty of Education Israel 11.  Université de Sherbrooke/ Faculté de médecine et des sciences de la santé/Département de psychiatrie. 12.  National Chiao Tung University/International Center for  Cultural Studies (ICCS)/ Insitute for Social Research and Cultural Studies.  13. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ)/ NuFFC-CNPq- (Núcleo de Pesquisa em Filosofia Francesa Contemporânea). 14. Università degli Studi di Bergamo / Dipartimento di Scienze Umane e Sociali. 15. Universität Konstanz, Germany/ Department of Literature, Arts and Media 16. University of Cluj-Napoca, “Babeș-Bolyai”/ Center for Applied Philosophy (CAPH) – Faculty of History & Philosophy. 17. Freie Universität, Berlin, Germany. 18. Soka University, Japan. 19. Montclair State University/College for Education and Engaged Learning – Institute for the Advancement of Philosophy for Children. 20. Teachers College/Columbia University. 21. Beihang University, School of Humanities & Social Sciences-Institute of Higher Education [IHE], Beijing, China. 22. Federal University of Campina Grande, Brazil. 23. Federal University of Paraίba (UFPB)- Center for Education, Brazil.
Indicative courses (undergraduate & postgraduate level): Introduction to Philosophy and Philosophy of Education; Philosophy of Education through Texts; Philosophy of Education & Environmental Ethics; Philosophy of Education &  Values in Education; Ethics in Education & Philosophy of Education; Philosophy (of Education) & Applied Ethics Issues; Philosophy of education & professional ethics; Philosophy & Childhood: Theories & Practices; Philosophy of Literature; Philosophy for Children & Children’s Literature; Philosophy with Children in Classroom: concepts, ways, material; Practical philosophy: research, forms and practices; Practical Philosophy in education: philosophy & praxis of dialogue; Research methodology: Bibliographical Research, Journal of research,  Philosophical Journal, Problematization, Philosophy of Education in Praxis.


Research Activities 
Research interests
Philosophy of Education, Practical Philosophy and its polytropic forms and about the bonds between practical philosophy & arts, especially through the concepts of objects and body, Εthics in Education and forms of applied ethics in education/professional ethics, Philosophy in education/Philosophy with children, Pedagogy of philosophy, philosophical experiences & practices in literature & arts, Qualitative methodologies of research & training (problematization-dilemmatization, research journal).
Collaborations & Projects
  • Scientific Responsible (for the Greek partnership) of Tempus program: «Continuous Training of workers of the tourism sector in Caucasia» (FCTK) [2007-2010]. Partners: France, Caucasia, Abakan, Vladivostok, Greece. Scientific co-responsible (for the Greek partnership) in the following programs: 1. «SOPE – Service of orientation and placement of students» [2005-2008]. Partners: France, Moldavia, Greece. 2. «Education for life-Social work» [2005-2006]. Partners: France, Yekaterinburg / Russia, Greece. 3. «Education for life – professions of tourism, hotels and restoration» [2005-2006]. Partners: France, Yekaterinburg / Russia, Caucasia, Greece.
  • 2010-2014: Departmental Responsible for the Special Convention of International Collaboration between the Universities of Rouen (France) and Aegean (Greece). In this frame, coordinator of the Network of PhD Formation in Sciences of Education (REFODOSE), which includes the Departments of Sciences of Education of the University of the Aegean & responsible for the collaboration between the European Master for the Research on Sciences of Education (MERSE) with the Department of Preschool Sciences of Education & Educational Design (D.P.S.E.E.D.), University of the Aegean.
  • 2000-2001: Participation in the training and drafting committee of the proposal “University Education Internship”, in the framework of the Operational Program of Education and Initial Professional Training II, “Vocational guidance and labour market connection”, measure 2.4
  • 2003-2004: Participation in the project team for the institutional proposal for the “Interuniversity – Transnational – Interdepartmental Master’s programme “Environmental Education”, in the Cooperation Axis: Greece – Turkey – Black Sea Countries.
  • 2002-2004: Participation in the project team for the formulation and submission of the institutional proposal, in the framework of the Operational Program of Education and Initial Professional Training II, for the funding of actions, “School Programmes of Environmental Education”. Participation in the support team and evaluator within the same project.
  • Coordinator / scientific coordinator (for the Greek part) of the Leonardo de Vinci Project “Vocational Professionalization by Practising Philosophy (with Children)- VP3”. Partners: Austria, Germany, Greece, Greece, Romania. The above was awarded the “Lifelong Learning Award 2011” in Vienna on 2 December 2011. It was ranked among the three most successful LEONARDO DA VINCI programmes at the level of good practice in Austria, out of a total of 500 programmes.
  • 2008: Collaboration with the Laboratory Expérice (Axis of research «l’éducation tout au long de la vie»: Université de Paris 8 de Vincennes à Saint-Denis UFR SEPF / Département des Sciences de l’éducation: project, Terre et culture en transe/Collection Terre et cultures en transe. Collaborators: (France) Jacques Ardoino, Remi Hess, Martine Abdallah-Pretceille, Guy Berger, Lucette Colin (Germany) Gabi Weigand, Christoph Wulf, Daniel Cohn-Bendit.
  • 2007 & hereafter: Research collaboration with Ann Margaret Sharp, Gregory Maughn, (Institute of The Advancement of Philosophy for Children /Montclair University), Daniela Camhy (Graz Universität/ Austrian Center for Philosophy with Children), on teaching of Philosophy in School and on «Philosophy for Children».
  • 2001-2010: Member of the International Research Team CIEDUS (Université Santiago de Cali/Colombie): Colombie, Greece, Germany, France. This research program had been evaluated in the category A1 (Excellence) from the Colombian Research National Agent of Evaluation (COLCIENCIAS. Grupo de Investigación Ciencias de la Educación, Educación superior y Conceptos, CIEDUS/Categoría A1 (Excelencia). Fecha de creación 08/2001). Research Axxes: A. Conceptos, saberes y educación Superior B. Políticas, prácticas, organización y educación superior C. Sociedad del conocimiento, tic’s y educación superior.
  • 2010-2016. Researcher in Gabinete de Filosofia da Educaçâo de l’Instituto de Filosofia, in the frame of the project «Philosophie de l’éducation et contemporanéité».
  • Foreigner researcher in: 1. FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia- Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e ensino superior) & 2. National Foundation of Research of Brazil (CNPq – Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico.
  • 2014-2017 : Μember of the team research of the inter-universitary / interdisciplinary project: «Τhe Well-Being in school». Collaborators: ESPE d’Aquitaine: Bénédicte Courty (clinical psychology), Jean-François Dupeyron (philosophy), Christophe Miqueu (philosophy) / ESPE de Créteil-Paris-Versailles: Émilie Boujut (psychology)/ Université de Strasbourg: Claire Metz clinical psychology, Anne Thévenot (clinical psychology) / Université de Lyon 2: Christine Morin-Messabel, Marie Préau (social psychology) / Université de Lyon 1: Muriel Salle (history of education) / Paris VII: Emmanuel Arlot (philosophy) [France]. Université de Sherbrooke: Jacques Quintin (philosophy) [Canada], Elena Théodoropoulou (philosophy [Grèce]).
  • 2006-2016: Member of the European network PROBLEMA & Member of the Scientific Committee of the Network (members: Université de Nantes, Université Catholique de l’Ouest, Université de Trois Rivières-Québec, Universidad da Porto, Université Libre de Bruxeles, Université de Caen, Uniersité de Bordeaux 4, Université de Lille).
  • 2012-2013 : Collaboration with the Laboratory CiViic of the Depqrtment of Sciences of Education/ School of Human and Social Sciences of the University of Rouen.
  • Founder Member of the Francophone Society of Philosophy of Education (Sofphied).
  • Founder / Coordinator of International Network «Philosophy of Education in Praxis» (NePhEdinPrax),
  • Founder Member Association francophone internationale d’éthique de la relation d’aide et de la santé mentale (afierasm).
  • Responsible for the participation of the Greek side in the project «Practices of Philosophy with Children: un educational base for the intercultural dialogue & social transformation» / UNITWUIN Programs – UNESCO Chairs (under the responsibility of the University of Nantes and with the support of the research program EnJeu[x] (University of Angers).
  • Member of the Scientific Committee & Research Committee of the Unesco Chair “Pratiques de la philosophie avec les enfants: une base éducative pour le dialogue interculturel et la transformation sociale” (
  • Member of the Mediterranean Association for Philosophy with Children (MAPwC).
  • 2014-2016: Scientific coordinator for the Greek part in the project «Artistic and philosophical practices for changing the school» (PHILARPE) held by the Laboratory Education, Cultures, Politics (ECP, university of Lyon2) and the Laboratory of Research in Practical & Applied Philosophy (L.R.P.A.Ph.) / University of the Aegean. The project is approved by the University Lyon2. [//]
  • 2015-2017: Scientific coordinator for the Greek part in the project «Schoolchild on her island» held by: ESPE d’Aquitaine & the University of Bordeaux, the groups of research, CEMCC, LACES, LITT&ARTS, MICA et SPH , the Laboratory L.R.Ph.P.A. /University of the Aegean. Partner Organisation: Direction of Primary Education of Dodecanese. The project is approved by the University of Bordeaux. [//]
  • Director of the «Laboratory of Research in Practical Philosophy» (L.R.P.Ph.), //
  • Conception, coordination & scientific responsibilty of the inter-universitary/ interdisciplinary European project: ‘Philosophical Objects’ (for the first cycles of implementation, collaborating Laboratories: «Laboratoire Art / Architecture dans la Sphère Publique», Département d’Architecture / Université de Patras & «Laboratoire de Recherche Éducation Cultures et Politiques», Axis 3, Politiques de l’art et de la culture en éducation et de la formation University of Lumière Lyon2). [//]
  • Coordinator on behalf of Greek side in the frame of Bilateral Agreements for independent cooperation between «Laboratory of Research on Practical Philosophy»(L.R.P.Ph.) and the following structures/ institutions: Center for Interdisciplinary Research and Community Intervention of ISCET-Higher Institute of Business and Tourism Sciences (Centro de Investigação Interdisciplinar e Intervenção Comunitária of ISCET- Instituto Superior de Ciências Empresariais e do Turismo), Faculty of Philosophy, University of Laval, Québec, Canada (Faculté de Philosophie de l’Université Laval, Québec, Canada), Higher Institute of Educatiοn Sciences of the State of Mexico, (Instituto Superior de Ciencias de la Educación del Estado de México), Post-Graduate Program in Education, State University of Rio de Janeiro,(Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação [ProPEd], Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro [UERJ]), Laboratory of Studies & Researches on Contemporary Logics of Philosophy/EA 4008, University Paris 8-Saint Denis (Laboratoire d’ Études et de Recherches sur les Logiques Contemporaines de la Philosophie /EA 4008, Université de Paris 8 – Saint-Denis), Department of Learning, Instruction and Teacher Education, University of Haifa, School of Fine Arts of the University of Ioannina, Laboratory of Image, Sound and Cultural Representation, of the Department of Cultural Technology and Communication of the University of the Aegean (//
  • International associated researcher ( at the « Laboratory of studies & researches on the contemporary logics of philosophy» (LLCP/ Statut /Code : EA 4008, Université Paris 8, Vincennes-Saint-Denis
  • November 2020-October 2023: Member of the Council of the Universities participating in the strategic European Alliance ERUA and scientific coordinator on behalf of the University of the Aegean of the project “European Reform University Alliance [ERUA]», (code project 101004053)” & of the Work Package WP5 – “ Re-imagining the Campus”. The project is realized in the frame of the European Community Initiative “European Universities” of the Program Erasmus+ whereas the ΕRUA Alliance includes as partners 5 European universities: University of Paris 8 (France), Roskilde University (Danemark), University of Konstanz (Germany), University of the Aegean (Greece), New Bulgarian University (Βulgaria).
  • October 2021-September 2024. Scientific Coordinator of the project «Research and Engagement for the European Reform University Alliance [Re-ERUA]» (code project 101035808 ), financed by the program of H2020-IBA-SwafS-Support-2-2020 and scientific coordination of the Work Package “WP3 The Alliance as an engine for Human Capital” in the same project.
  • November 2020-May 2023: Scientific Coordinator of the Action “Digital Learning & Skills Development: Promotion of Interregional Competition of the development and employing & Career Center of Researchers of the Aegean” in the frame of the sub-project 2 of the Act with MIS 5046494 and title “Network of research & Technology of the Aegean Archipelago: Support of Peripheral Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Excellence [e-Aegean R&D Network]», E.P. “Competitivity, Entrepreneurship & Innovation”. 
  • Scientific responsible for the Greek participation in the project PhileAct-Philosophy, Childhood, Action and Citizenship (KA220-HED – Cooperation partnerships in higher education/Erasmus+) in the context of the UNESCO Chair “Pratiques de la philosophie avec les enfants”, coordinated by the University of Nantes. Partner Institutions: PhiloCité asbl Belgium Prov. Liège, Université d’Egée / Laboratoire de Recherche en Philosophie Pratique (L.R.Ph.P.), Université Dde Guyane, France Cayenne, Université Saint-Joseph-Lebanon, Université de Nouvelle CaledonieFrance, Université de la Polynésie française France, Gabinete de Estratégia, Planeamento e Avaliação Culturais Portugal Lisboa Lisboa.
  • Scientific Responsible of the project: “Αcquisition of Academic Didactic Experience for New Scientists Ηolder of PhD 2017-2018 /2018-2019/ 2019-2020/ 2020-2021/ 2021-2022/ 2022-2023 in the University of the Aegean”, code 70183, 80301, 70751, 80098, 80647, 80846, Οperational Program, Development of Human Ressources, Εducation and Life Long Learning 2014-2020, with co-financing from the European Social Fund and National ressources (01/10/2017-30/11/2023)
  • Scientific Responsible of the project: «Internship in the University of the Aegean for the academic year 2022-2023”, code 80885, Οperational Program, Development of Human Ressources, Εducation and Life Long Learning 2014-2020, with co-financing from the European Social Fund and National ressources (25/11/2022-30/11/2023)
  • Scientific Responsible of the project: «Support of educational activities of the University of the Aegean for the academic year 2021-2022 with integration of supplementary teaching in addition to main lectures”, code 80802, Οperational Program, Development of Human Ressources, Εducation and Life Long Learning 2014-2020, with co-financing from the European Social Fund and National ressources (15/02/2022 – 30/04/2022)
  • Scientific Responsible of the project: “Liaison Office of the University of the Aegean”, code 80567, Οperational Program, Development of Human Ressources, Εducation and Life Long Learning 2014-2020, with co-financing from the European Social Fund and National ressources (17/05/2021-30/09/2023)
  • Scientific Responsible of the project: “Unit of Quality Assurance (UQA) of the University of the Aegean”, code 80758, Οperational Program, Development of Human Ressources, Εducation and Life Long Learning 2014-2020, with co-financing from the European Social Fund and National ressources (21/10/2021-30/11/2023)
  • Scientific Responsible of the project: “Office of Support for Teaching and Learning in the University of the Aegean”, code 80842, Οperational Program, Development of Human Ressources, Εducation and Life Long Learning 2014-2020, with co-financing from the European Social Fund and National ressources (01/07/2022-30/10/2023)
  • Scientific Responsible of the project: “ERASMUS+/ Learning Mobility of Individuals between Countries of the Programme 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021. 2022 ΚΑ103»
  • Scientific Responsible of the project: “ERASMUS+/ Learning Mobility of Individuals between Countries of the Programme and Partner Countries, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 ΚΑ107»
  • November 2023-October 2027: scientific coordinator on behalf of the University of the Aegean of the project “European Reform University Alliance2” [Acronym :ERUA 2], (project code 101124451/ ERASMUS-EDU-2023-EUR-UNIV-1/Type of Action: ERASMUS-LS) which is carried out within the framework of the European Union Initiative “European Universities” of the Erasmus+ Program. The Network-Alliance (ERUA) involves 8 universities: Université Paris 8 (France)/coordination, University of the Aegean (Greece), New Bulgarian University (Bulgaria), SWPS Uniwersytet Humanistycznospoleczny (Poland), Universidad De Las Palmas De Gran Canaria (Spain), Universita Degli Studi Di Macerata (Italy), Stiftung Europa-Universitat Viadrina Frankfurt (Germany), Mykolo Romerio Universitetas (Lithuania) & 2 more universities as associated partners: Roskilde University (Denmark), University of Konstanz (Germany)
  • Associate member of the SPH Laboratory (Sciences, Philosophy, Humanities – UMR(U) 4574 jointly authorized by the University of Bordeaux and the University of Bordeaux-Montaigne.
  • Member- scientific collaborator to the Scientific Interest Group THE SUBJECT IN THE CITY, Sorbonne Paris Nord – Campus Condorcet (in co-direction of prof. Christine Delory-Momberger & Martine Janner-Raimondi & in collaboration with eight universities, laboratories and research centres in the educational sciences in Europe and Latin America, as well as two associations and an arts and culture centre),

Academic Activities

Scientific coordination & organisation of Αcademic Events
 [indicative list]:
  • 10 Νοvember 2003: «Understanding Philosophy of Education», Conference with European & International Scientific Committee (the 1rst in Greece on this subject), Rhodes, Dpt of Education Sciences & Education Design, University of the Aegean.
  • 26-27 May 2007: Conference with European participation οn Environmental Ethics in the frame of the Master Program “Environmental Education”, Rhodes, University of the Aegean.
  • 28 May 2008: Responsible for the organization of the Seminar of the Pedagogical Studies & General Didactics Sector/Dpt of Education Studies & Educational Design: “Practicum: from the design to the implementation”, Rhodes, University of the Aegean
  • 12-14 June 2008: Responsible for the organisation of the 5th International Colloquium of Problema Network, «La problématisation dans l’enseignement et la formation: Quelles difficultés? Quelles aides possibles?», Rhodes, University of the Aegean (in collab. with : Université de Nantes, Université Catholique de l’Ouest, Université de Trois Rivières-Québec, Universidad da Porto, Université Libre de Bruxeles, Université de Caen, Université de Bordeaux 4, Université de Lille).
  • 28 Νοvember 2008: Scientific & organizational coordination of the International Conference «Philosophy, philosophy are you there? Doing Philosophy with Children» (under the auspices of the Greek Committee of UNESCO) [the first in Greece on Philosophy for/with Children), Rhodes, University of the Aegean. 
  • 30-31 March 2012: Scientific responsibility and organization of the 1st International Conference followed by Workshops «Philosophy of Education in Praxis» (in collaboration with the Master Program: «Models of Design and Development of Educational Units» & «Environmental Education»), Rhodes, University of the Aegean.
  • 7-8 Μay 2012: Initialization & Coordination of the 1st Conference of the Program of Doctoral Studies of the Department of Education Studies & Educational Design under the title, “Doctoral Research in the Department of Preschool Education Sciences & Educational Design”, Rhodes, University of the Aegean. 9 November 2013. Coordination of the organization of the 2nd Conference.
  • 7-8 November, 2013: Scientific responsibility & organization: Days of Workshops «Philosophy of Education in Praxis”, 2nd meeting, «Philosophy of Education in Praxis», organized by the International Network «Philosophy of Education in Praxis» & the Laboratory of Research on Practical & Applied Philosophy (L.R.P.A.Ph.), Rhodes, University of the Aegean.
  • 2013-4, 2014-5, 2015-6, 2016-7, 2017-8, 2018-9, 2021-22,  2022-3, 2023-4 (9 periods): Creation, Coordination & Scientific Responsibility of the Exhibition : «Practicum in Nursery: Design-Material-Method», Department of Preschool Sciences Education & Educational Design, University of the Aegean, Rhodes.
  • 26-28 September 2014: Coordinator of the Round Table: «Professional Ethics in Education» (with the participation of: Carvalho Adalberto Dias de, Moreau Didier, Jutras France) In: International Congress, International & European Trends in Education: their influences to the Greek Educational System. (Athens, οrganization: ASPAITE/EEMAPE), Athens.
  • 12-14 May 2015: Organization / Coordination / Interpretation: International Conference, «Ethics in Education. Philosophical tracings and clearings», Laboratory of Research on Practical & Αpplied Philosophy (L.R. P.A.Ph.), Rhodes, University of the Aegean.
  • 12-14 May 2015: Organization / Coordination / Interpretation, «Days of Workhops» 3rd Μeeting, Laboratory of Practical & Applied Philosophy (L.R.P. A.Ph.), University of the Aegean & International Network of Philosophy of Education in Praxis (NePhEdinPrax), Rhodes, University of the Aegean.
  • 16th May 2015: Organization / Coordination / Interpretation, International Conference: «The well being in Schools. Philosophical Views». Organisation: Laboratory of Practical & Applied Philosophy (L.R.P.A.Ph.)-University of the Aegean with Directorate of Secondary Education of Dodecanese & the Municipality of Leros (Leros).
  • 20-21 November 2015: President of the International Scientific Committee: 6th International Conference, «Connecting Didactics, Competencies and Attitudes towards educational practice through the Arts», Co-organisation: Laboratory of Research on Practical & Applied Philosophy (L.R. P.A.Ph.)- University of the Aegean, Greek Association of Primary Music Education Teachers (GARMET), Dpt of Music Studies, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Αthens).
  • 26-29 May 2016, Rhodes, Organizational responsibility / Coordination: «Days of Workshops». 4rth International Meeting.«Philosophy of Education in Praxis». Philosophical Body / Body in education, Laboratory of Research in Practical & Applied Philosophy & Network Philosophy of Education in Praxis, Rhodes.
  • 2015-2018 (4 cycles: 28 May 2015, 24-25 May 2016, 20-21 Μay 2017, 27-19 April 2018) : Conception, Research Organization, Curating of the Exhibition, Workshops coordination for the project “Philosophical Objects”, Laboratory of Research on Practical & Applied Philosophy (L.R. P.A.Ph.), University of the Aegean (for more information s. //
  • 26-29 May 2016: Organizational responsibility- Coordination, Days of Workshops, «Philosophy of Education in Praxis». 4rth International Meeting: Philosophical Body / Body in education, Laboratory of Research in Practical & Applied Philosophy (L.R.P.A.Ph.) & Network of Philosophy of Education in Praxis (NePhedinPrax), Rhodes, University of the Aegean.
  • 2016-2018: Conception-Organization-Philosophical Direction/Kinesiology of the project Some/a Body – 3 cycles: 25 May 2016, 21 May 2017, 29 Αpril 2018 – Rhodes, University of the Aegean (for more information s. //
  • 9-11 March 2017: Scientific coordination & Organization (in collab. With M. Argyriou), International Seminar of Professional Development/CPD, ”Integrating Philosophy in Music. Revealing praxial aspects of teaching”, Rhodes, University of the Aegean (
  • 2017-2024: Initialization, design and organization of the Congress “EduTopia” for the pre-graduate students of the Sciences of Education Departments, School of Humanities, University of the Aegean [the only so far Congress of this kind] 2017: 1rst Congress of the pregraduate students of the Sciences of Education Departments, School of Humanities, Rhodes, 13 May 2017 ( 2018: 1st Panhellenic Congress of the pregraduate students of the Sciences of Education Departments, Rhodes, 12 & 13 May 2018 ( 2019: 2nd Congress of the pregraduate students of the Sciences of Education Departments, School of Humanities, Rhodes, 11 May 2019 (, 2022: 3rd Congress of the pregraduate students of the Sciences of Education Departments, School of Humanities, Rhodes, May 21-22, 2022 ( 2023: 2nd Panhellenic Congress of the pregraduate students of the Sciences of Education Departments, Rhodes, May 27-28, 2023 ( 2024: 3rd Panhellenic Congress of the pregraduate students of the Sciences of Education Departments, Rhodes, May 18-19, 2024 (
  • 31 Μarch & 1-2 April 2017: Conception, scientific & organizational coordination of the festival «I am coming foreigner. We coming foreigners. People’s meetings’» in collaboration with the Municipality of Rhodes, the Directorate of the Secondary Education of Dodecanese & the European University of Cyprus, School of Humanities, Rhodes, University of the Aegean (s.
  • 18-19 Νovember 2017.Coordination, scientific responsibility & organization (in collab. with Edwige Chirouter) of the «16th International Meeting on New Philosophical Practices at school and in the city» in the framework of the World Philosophy Day at UNESCO, co-organized by the «Laboratory of Research on Practical & Applied Philosophy» (L.R.P.A.Ph.) & the UNESCO Chair «Practices of philosophy with children: an educational base for intercultural dialogue and social transformation», Rhodes, University οf the Aegean.
  • 2018. Institutionalisation, foundation & presidency of the International Biennale in Practical Philosophy. 27-29 April 2018: 1rst International Biennale «Philosophy in Praxis. The philosophical gesture: political, ethical, educational, artistic engagements”, organized by the “Laboratory of Research on Practical and Applied Philosophy” (L.R.P.A.Ph.) ( 23-28 November 2021: 2nd Online International Biennale «Philosophy in Praxis. The philosophical gesture: political, ethical, educational, artistic engagements», “Laboratory of Research on Practical Philosophy» ( 19-23 April 2024: 3rd International Biennale on Practical Philosophy [in person], Rhodes, “Laboratory of Research on Practical Philosophy» (
  • 2020: Creation & organizational & scientific responsibility of the International Pre-Biennale on Practical Philosophy. 9-10 Μay 2020: 1rst International online Pre-Biennale on Practical Philosophy under the title: “ Philosophy in Praxis. The philosophical gesture: political, ethical, educational, artistic engagements”, organized by the L.R.P.Ph., Univ/ty of the Aegean ( 23-24 November 2021: 2nd International online Pre-Biennale on Practical Philosophy, organized by the L.R.P.Ph., Univ/ty of the Aegean ( 13 April 2024: 3rd International online Pre-Biennale on Practical Philosophy (
  • 2019-2023: Creation, Organization and Scientific Responsibility of the Ιnternational Doctoral Students Seminar: «Research Themes», Laboratory of Research on Practical Philosophy (L.R.P.Ph.), University of the Aegean, Rhodes. 28 September 2019: Research Themes I, 2019-2020. 7-8 November 2020: Research Themes II, 2020-2021, online. 27 & 28 November 2021: Research Themes IIΙ, 2021-2022, online. 14 & 15 March 2023: 4th Blended Doctoral & Master Students International Seminar, Research Themes ΙV, 2022-2023.
  • 25-26 Μay, 2021: Coordination / Scientific Responsibility / Organization of the International On-Line Seminar Study Days, “Laboratory of Research on Practical Philosophy” (L.R.P.Ph.) & International Network of Philosophy of Education in Praxis (NePhEdinPrax) (//, University of the Aegean.
  • Responsible for the University of the Aegean in the Blended Intensive Programme (BIP/Erasmus) under the title: “Practical knowledge in Philosophy: Affectivity, Skills and Knowing-How” & the coordination of the Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj/Romania. Collaborating institutions: University of Bologna, University of Messina, Olomouc University, Trnava University, Tübingen University, University of the Aegean. Period of implementation: 10-18 May 2023 in Cluj.
  • Coordinator on behalf of the UAegean Aegean οf the Blended Intensive Programme (BIP/Erasmus) under the title: «Forms of dialogue/discussion in education. Philosophical perspectives & approaches». Receiving institution: UAegean. 1rst B.I.P’s edition: 30 October-3 November 2023. Place : Rhodes/Greece, Department of Preschool Education Sciences & Educational Design/ « Laboratory of Research on Practical Philosophy” (L.R.P.Ph.). Collaborating institutions: Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal (UC), Università degli Studi di Bergamo, Italy (UniBg), Université Montesquieu-Bordeaux IV, France (UB), Università degli Studi di Padova (UniPD). Italy. 2nd B.I.P’s edition: 29 October-2 November 2024, Place : Rhodes/Greece, Department of Preschool Education Sciences & Educational Design/ « Laboratory of Research on Practical Philosophy” (L.R.P.Ph.). Collaborating institutions: Universidade dos Açores, Portugal (UAC), Babeș-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania (BBU), Università degli Studi di Bergamo, Italy (UniBg), Université de Bordeaux, France (UB), Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal (UC), Università degli Studi di Padova, Italy (UniPD).
  • March 7 & 9, 2023. Scientific coordinator for the Greek side in the framework of the Travelling Seminar 2022-2023: “Literature and human rights” / ERUA (European Reform University Alliance) with scientific coordinator: Dr. Sarah Seidel (Department of Literature, Arts and Media, University of Konstanz) & the cooperation of the Christoph Martin Wieland-Foundation under the coordination of Dr. Kerstin Bönsch (Managing Directress). Scientific responsibility for the third part of the Travelling Seminar held in Rhodes under the organization of the L.R.P.Ph. University of the Aegean and with the title: ‘‘Practical Philosophy & foreignness’’ (for more information, see here).
  • 22-23 April, 2024. Curating of Practices (as section of the Program of Activities of the 3rd International Biennale on Practical Philosophy) including exhibitions, screenings, performances, music events, visits to art spaces and walking workshops (
  • 22 April 2024. Exhibitions: 1. “Philosophical Objects” (retrospective & tribute); 2. “PhilosophAlia / Routes” (in collab. with Elena Nikolakopoulou)
  • 22 April 2024. Performance: “Philosophical Lectern 3 / Voice” in collaboration with Aggeliki Toubanaki & Maria Mourkoussi in the framework of the project “Philosophical Lectern” led by Elena Thedoropoulou (Direction, Organization, Coordination & selection of philosophical sources: //
  • 23 April 2024. Conception, coordination & implementation of the project “Think Not pas” in the framework of the project SomaeBody (// The “Think Not pas” project is unfolded in three parts: 1. Introduction video: “In the belly of the beast” (montage by Elena Theodoropoulou). 2. Short film: “Think Not pas”: the film is produced by the Laboratory of Research on Practical Philosophy (L.R.P.Ph./ // ) οf the University of the Aegean; Conception, research design, scientific responsibility, discussions, animation, selection of the discussion material, translations & subtitles adaptation: Elena Theodoropoulou; Direction, montage: Εvi Dimitropoulou. 3. Performance: ‘‘I did it my way’’: Conception & coordination, Elena Theodoropoulou; implementation & animation in collaboration with Maria Manoukian.
  • 25-27 April 2024: Participation in the organization of the Training Days in the frame of the Erasmus Project PHILEACT (Philosophy, Childhood, Action and Citizenship) [“ERASMUS+ PARTENARIATS POUR LA COOPERATION ” (ACTION CLE 2) ] project ] with PhiloCité & the University of Nantes. Support of the Training Days by the Laboratory of Research on Practical Philosophy.
Workshops Organization & Animation:
  • 26 May 2007. in collaboration with Catherine Larrère (Paris I – Pantheon Sorbonne), Michael Bonnett (University of Bath) : «Philosophy, Environmental Ethics & environmental Education», in the frame of the European Conference on Environmental Ethics, Master Program “Environmental Education”, Rhodes, University of the Aegean.
  • 2010- 2011. In collaboration with Prof. Constantin Xypas (University of Rouen) in the frame of the course «Educational Unities and Cultures» – «Philosophy of Education & Education for Democracy & Ethics», Master II «Models of Design & Development of Educational Units»:
1. «Ιnterculturality, moral education & philosophy».
2. «Organisation of the research on the frame of doctoral studies» with PhD students of the Department of Preschool Education Sciences & Educational Design.
  • 2008. In collaboration with Prof. Gregory Maughn, Αnn Sharp (University of Montclair) & Μichel Sasseville (University of Laval): «From discussion to philosophical dialogue» in the frame of the international Colloquium «Philosophy, philosophy, are you there? Doing philosophy with children».
  • May 2010. In collaboration with Prof. Christina Paula Pereira (University of Porto):
1.«Philosophy-Literatrure relation»  in the frame of the Master Program «Children Book & pedagogical material» & of the course  «Children Book & Philosophy for children ».
2.«Philosophy and alterity» in the frame of the Master Program «Psychopedagogy: a school for everybody» & of the course ‘’Epistemology of difference & alterity».
3. 2010-2011. «Philosophy of education on the public level  (tensions and fragilities)», Universidade do Porto / Faculdade de Letras. 
  • In collaboration with Prof. Remi Hess (Paris 8, Vincennes-Saint-Denis):
1. 2011-2012. «Diary as tool of evaluation & auto-evaluation» in the frame of the Master Program «Modeling Design and Development of Educational Units» of the Department of Preschool Education Sciences and Educational Design / School of Humanities, & of the course «Philosophy, ethics, values: the challenge of education».
2. 2011-2012. «Diary as a tool for the environmental educator» in the frame of the Master Program «Environmental Education» & of the course «Environmental ethics, values & education».
3. 2012. «Diary practice as a reflective practice» (in the frame of the International Meeting «Philosophy of education in Praxis», 30-31 March 2012, Rhodes, University of the Aegean.
  • In collaboration with Prof. Adalberto Dias de Carvalho (University of Porto):
1. 2009. «The challenge of philosophy for children on the level of the educators training», Escuola Superior de Educacao de Paula Frassinetti/Porto.
2. 2012. «Dilemmatisation as a strategy of moral education in the frame of professional ethics» in the frame of the international Meeting «Philosophy of education in Praxis», 30-31 March 2012, Rhodes, University of the Aegean.
3. 12 May 2015. Rhodes, «Dilemmatization as an adventure», in: «Ethics in Education. Philosophical tracings and clearings», «Days of Workshops/3rd Meeting», Laboratory of Research on Practical & Applied Philosophy (L.R. P.A.Ph), & Network «Philosophy of Education in Praxis» (NePhedinPrax), Rhodes, University of the Aegean.
4. 26-29 May 2016. Rhodes, «Stories of body in solitude: the reflections of an elderly man and Celia’s wandering; The body as a right, care and pain: approaches of philosophy of education», in the frame of: «Days of Workshops». 4th International Meeting. «Philosophy of Education in Praxis». Philosophical Body / Body in education, Laboratory of Research in Practical & Applied Philosophy (L.P. P.A.Ph.) & “Network of Philosophy of Education in Praxis” (NetPhedinPrax.), Rhodes, University of the Aegean.
5. 22 May 2019. “Issues of professional ethics in Education ΙΙ”, in the frame of the activities of the Laboratory of Research on Practical Philosophy (L.R.P.Ph.) & the undergraduate course “Educational Design & Professional competency, Practicum phase III», Dpt of Education Sciences & Educational Design, Rhodes, University of the Aegean.
  • In collaboration with Prof. Daniela Camhy (University of Graz):
1. 2011. «Discussion in Kindergarten I», in the frame of the undergraduate course, “Practicum; A’ Phase: Detection-Familiarization-Orientation”, Dpt of Preschool Education Sciences and Educational Design, Rhodes, University of the Aegean.
2. 2012. «Philosophical Dialogue in classroom by means of literary texts» in the frame of the course «Children’s Literature & Philosophy for children», Master Program, «Children’s Book & Pedagogical Material», Rhodes, University of the Aegean.
3. 2012. «Intercultural Education & philosophical Dialogue» in the frame of the inter-university Master Program, «Psycho-Pedagogy of Integration: A school for all» & of the course «Epistemology of difference & alterity», Rhodes, University of the Aegean.
4. 2013. «Discussion in Kindergarten II», in the frame of the undergraduate course, “Practicum; A’ Phase: Detection-Familiarization-Orientation”, Dpt of Preschool Education Sciences and Educational Design, Rhodes, University of the Aegean.
5. 2013. «Text Literary-Philosophical» in the frame of the Master Program «Children’s Literature & Philosophy for children» / course «Children’s Literature & Philosophy for Children», Rhodes, University of the Aegean.
6. 2013. «Intercultural Education & Community of Inquiry» » in the frame of the inter-university Master Program, «Psycho-Pedagogy of Integration: A school for all» & of the course «Epistemology of difference & alterity», Rhodes, University of the Aegean.
7. 28, 30, 31 March 2015. «From discussion in classroom to philosophical dialogue. First steps», in the frame of the activities of the Laboratory of Research in Practical & Applied Philosophy (L.R.P.A.Ph.), Rhodes, University of the Aegean.
  • 2-4 June 2013. In collaboration with Prof. Jean-Marc Lange (University of Rοuen): «Education & questions of didactics. An revealing example: initiation to viable development», in the frame of the Colloque «Sustainability & local societies: réality or utopy?», Master II «Environnemental Education», Rhodes, University of the Aegean.
  • 7-8 November 2013. «Dilemmatisation considered as lever of reflexion», in the frame of Days of Workshops «Philosophy of Education in Praxis» (Second Meeting). Organisation: International Network «Philosophy of Education in Praxis» & Laboratory of Research in Practical & Applied Philosophy (L.R.P.A. Ph.), Rhodes, Department of Preschool Sciences of Education & Educational Design, University of the Aegean.
  • 7-8 November 2013. «Meaning in movement», in the frame of Days of Workshops «Philosophy of Education in Praxis» (Second Meeting). Organisation: International «Network Philosophy of Education in Praxis» & Laboratory of Research in Practical & Applied Philosophy (L.R.P.A. Ph.), Rhodes, Department of Preschool Sciences of Education & Educational Design, University of the Aegean.
  • In collaboration with Prof. Edwige Chirouter (University of  Nantes, IUFM des Pays de la Loire [CREN]):
1. 27 May 2013. «The literary texts in primary classroom through philosophy», in the frame of the Master Program «Children’s Book and pedagogical material» and of the course «Children Book and philosophy for children», Rhodes, University of the Aegean.
2. 12 March 2014. «Discussion with philosophical aim and et literary discussion in classroom: similarities, differences, complementarities», in the frame of Master Program «Children’s Book and pedagogical material» and of the course «Children Book and philosophy for children», Rhodes, University of the Aegean.
3. 13 March 2014. «Text, discourse, dialogue: from literature to philosophy», organised by the «Laboratory of Children Book, of discourse and theatrical game» and the Laboratory of Research in Practical & Applied Philosophy (L.R.P.A.Ph.), Rhodes, University of the Aegean
4. 21-22 April 2015. «Learning to philosophize in the classroom: the myth of the cave & the Knowledge», in the frame of the activities of the Laboratory of Research on Practical & Applied Philosophy (L.R.P.A.Ph.), Rhodes, University of the Aegean.
5. 6 Αpril 2016. «Discussion on the relationship between Children Literature and Philosophy», as well as on the goals of UNESCO Chair: «The Practice of philosophy with children: an educational basis for intercultural dialogue and social transformation», in the frame of the activities of the Laboratory of Research on Practical & Applied Philosophy (L.R.P.A.Ph.), Rhodes, University of the Aegean .
  • In collaboration with Prof. Alain Kerlan (University of Lyon- Lumières 2):
1. 20 February 2016. «Photography as a philosophical object 2», in the frame of the activities of the Laboratory of Research on Practical & Applied Philosophy (L.R.P.A.Ph.), Rhodes, University of the Aegean.
2. 19 February 2016. «Photography as a philosophical object: intervention in class», in the frame of the activities of the Laboratory of Research on Practical & Applied Philosophy (L.R.P.A.Ph.), Rhodes, University of the Aegean.
3. 12 May 2015. «Photography as philosophical object», in: «Ethics in Education. Philosophical tracings and clearings» & «Days of Workshops/3rd Meeting», Laboratory of Research on Practical & Applied Philosophy (L.R. P.A.Ph.) & Network «Philosophy of Education in Praxis» (NePhedinPrax), Rhodes, University of the Aegean.
  •  In collaboration with Prof. Didier Moreau (Paris 8, University of Vincennes- Saint-Denis):
1. 10-11 November 2013. «Circumscribe professional ethics in education: ambiguities & incertitudes», in the frame of the Master Program «Modeling Design And Development of Educational Units» & of the course «Philosophy, ethics, values: the challenge of education», Rhodes, University of the Aegean.
2. 21-24 March 2015. «Educator, profession and ethics: questions», in the frame of the activities of the Laboratory of Research in Practical & Applied Philosophy (L.R.P.A.Ph.) for undergraduate students and educators, Rhodes, University of the Aegean.
3. 19  March 2017. «From concept analysis to conceptualization», in the frame of the preparatory regular meetings for the 3rd cycle of the project «Philosophical Objects» (//, Laboratory of Research in Practical & Applied Philosophy (L.R.P.A.Ph.), Rhodes, University of the Aegean.
  • 2 March, 2017. In collab. with prof. Pablo Flores de Rosario (ISCEEM, Mexico) & Didier Moreau (Paris 8, University of Vincennes- Saint-Denis): «What about philosophy in education ?», Laboratory of Research in Practical & Applied Philosophy (L.R.P.A.Ph.), Rhodes, University of the Aegean.
  • In collaboration with Prof. Walter Kohan (State University of Rio de Janeiro): 
1. 12 May 2015. «The unexamined life is not worth living for a human being» (Plato, Apology, 37e¬38a), In: «Ethics in Education. Philosophical tracings and clearings» & «Days of Workshops» / 3rd Meeting, Laboratory of Research on Practical & Applied Philosophy (L.R.P.A.Ph.) & Network «Philosophy of Education in Praxis» (NePhedinPrax), Rhodes, University of the Aegean.
2. 22 February 2015. «What does it mean to think? From philosophy for children to childhood in philosophy» & «Child-time, Timing Childhood» in the frame of the activities of the Laboratory of Research on Practical & Applied Philosophy (L.R. P.A.Ph.) & the undergraduate course “Educational Design & Professional competency, Practicum phase III», Dpt of Education Sciences & Educational Design, Rhodes, University of the Aegean.
  • 28 August 2015. Prova di orchestra – Rehearsal of philosophy. Or, can an orchestra play without a director? Seminar in: Summer School «Leading School Choir & the philosophical attitude of pedagogue». Οrganisation: “Greek Association of Teachers of Music Primary Education” (GARMET). Scientific Coordination: the Laboratory of Research in Practical and Applied Philosophy (L.R.P.A.Ph.), University of the Aegean, Athens.
  • 20-21 November 2015. «Seizing Philosophy in Classroom»: 1rst Session [with adults]: Something in it: Working with books in classroom»,6th International Conference: «Connecting Didactics, Competencies and Attitudes towards educational practice through the Arts», Co-organisation: Laboratory of Research on Practical & Applied Philosophy (L.R.P.A.Ph.), University of the Aegean, Greek Association of Primary Music Education Teachers (GARMET), Dpt of Music Studies, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki/ Athens, Pierce-The American College of Greece.
  • 20-21 November 2015. «Seizing Philosophy in Classroom»: 2nd Session [for children]: «Thoughts, Talks, Discussions» (with: Dr. Sophia Nikolidaki), 6th International Conference, «Connecting Didactics, Competencies and Attitudes towards educational practice through the Arts», Co-organisation: Laboratory of Research on Practical & Applied Philosophy (L.R.P.A.Ph.), University of the Aegean, Greek Association of Primary Music Education Teachers (GARMET), Dpt of Music Studies, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki/ Athens, Pierce-The American College of Greece.
  • 26-29 May 2016. In collaboration with J. Quintin (University of Sherbrook): «To make speak him/her who speaks little or different: whatever remains is body (to listen to the incomprehensible: the lever of the body)», in the frame of: «Days of Workshops». 4rth International Meeting. «Philosophy of Education in Praxis». Philosophical Body / Body in education, Laboratory of Research in Practical & Applied Philosophy (L.R.P.A.Ph.) & “Network Philosophy of Education in Praxis” (NetPhedinPrax), Rhodes, University of the Aegean.
  • 26-29 May 2016. «“Mind the gap…’’: Αbout philosophical objects» (in collb. with: F. Paraforou, E. Nikolakopoulou, K. Renti), , in the frame of: “Days of Workshops”. 4rth International Meeting. «Philosophy of Education in Praxis». Philosophical Body / Body in education, Laboratory of Research in Practical & Applied Philosophy (L.R.P.A.Ph.)& “Network Philosophy of Education in Praxis” (NetPhedinPrax), Rhodes, University of the Aegean
  • 26-29 May 2016. «Speaking about PhilosophAlia» (in collab. with: E. Nikolakopoulou), in the frame of: “Days of Workshops” 4th International Meeting. «Philosophy of Education in Praxis». Philosophical Body / Body in education, Laboratory of Research in Practical & Applied Philosophy & L.R.P.A.Ph.)& “Network Philosophy of Education in Praxis” (NetPhedinPrax), Rhodes, University of the Aegean.
  • 26 September 2016. “Philosophy Eitherwise. About “Philosophical Objects”, Instituto Superior de Ciencias de la Educación del Estado de México, Toluca.
  • 26 September 2016. “Books of literature or photographs comme des ‘objets philosophiques’ in classroom “, Instituto Superior de Ciencias de la Educación del Estado de México.
  • 9-11 March 2017. Philosophical Observatory in: International CPD Course. «Integrating Philosophy into Music: Revealing praxial aspects of teaching», Laboratory of Research in Practical & Applied Philosophy (L.R.P.A.Ph.) Rhodes, University of the Aegean.
  • 1 April 2017. Philosophical Lectern 1, «… χρείος ει ξένη φυγάς…» (in collab. with E. Nikolakopoulou), in the frame of the festival «I am coming foreigner. We coming foreigners. People’s meetings’», School of Humanities, (30 March, 1 & 2 April 2017),  Laboratory of Research in Practical & Applied Philosophy (L.R.P.A.Ph.), University of the Aegean (s. //
  • 1 April 2017. «The City will follow you» – musical & philosophical counterpoints, as the people are coming… ‘rhythm, speech, movement’ during the pedagogical procedure of integration of the foreigner in school» (in collab. with M. Argyriou) in the frame of the festival «I am coming foreigner. We coming foreigners. People’s meetings’» organized by the School of Humanities, 30 March, 1 & 2 April 2017, Rhodes, University of the Aegean (s. &
  • 6 May 2017. «Ιn the footsteps of concept with literary & philosophical motivations and ways» (in collab. with Monioudi, Μ.) in: International Seminar: «Αspects of philosophy in the classroom – research & practice», Rhodes, Laboratory of Research in Practical & Applied Philosophy (L.R.P.A.Ph.), University of the Aegean.
  • 12 May 2017. «Αlterity as the detail that matters», in the Workshops Day: “Otherness: traps and terrors of a concept”, Rhodes, Laboratory of Research in Practical & Applied Philosophy (L.R.P.A.Ph.), University of the Aegean.
  • 20 May 2017. «Philosoph-Alia 3. Appearances of philosophy» (with Nikolakopoulou, E., & with interlocutors: Prof. Dupeyron, J.,-Fr., & Dr. Paraforou, F.), Rhodes, Laboratory of Research in Practical & Applied Philosophy (L.R.P.A.Ph.), University of the Aegean (s. // &
  • 18 November 2017: «Lubridium materiae – Philosophical Lectern2» (in collab. with Elena Nikolakopoulou & Maria Argyriou) in the frame of the: «16th International Meeting on New Philosophical Practices at school and in the city» in the framework of the World Philosophy Day at UNESCO, co-organized by the Laboratory of Research on Practical & Applied Philosophy (L.R.P.A.Ph.) & the UNESCO Chair «Practices of philosophy with children: an educational base for intercultural dialogue and social transformation», 18-19 Νovember 2017, Rhodes, University of the Aegean (s. //
  • 27 January 2018. «Practical Philosophy in pedagogical culture», Philosophical Workshop & Discussion in: Seminar of Professional Development, «Beat & it talks to me». School percussion in classroom. The constitution of a musical praxis», 20-21 & 27-28/01/2018 with the support of the Laboratory of Practical & Applied Philosophy (L.R.P.A.Ph.),, Rhodes, University of the Aegean. 
  • 28 April 2018. «Practical philosophy as extravagance & gap. Threads & traces in laboratory» (in collab. avec : E. Dimitropoulou, M. Monioudi, E. Nikolakopoulou, J.-J. Martínez Olguín, E. Patta, K. Renti, C. Roelens ) in : 1st International Biennale on Practical Philosophy, ‘‘Philosophy in Praxis. The philosophical gesture: political, ethical, educational, artistic engagements’’, 27, 28, 29 April 2018 organized by the Laboratory of Research on Practical and Applied Philosophy (L.R.P.A.Ph.),, Rhodes, University of the Aegean
  • 11 Αpril 2019. In collab. with Prof. David Elliott & Marissa Silverman, “Critical Thinking & Praxial Philosophy in Music Education”, in the frame of Open Days for Praxial Philosophy in Musik Education, organized by the Laboratory of Research on Practical Philosophy (L.R.P.Ph.), Rhodes, University of the Aegean
  • 7 May 2019. “Introduction to professional ethics in school” & in collab. with Prof. Jean-François Dupeyron (University of Bordeaux), “Issues of professional ethics in Education”, in the frame of the activities of the the Laboratory of Reseαrch on Practical Philosophy (L.R.P.Ph.) & the undergraduate course ‘‘Practicum 3d phase, Educational Design & Professional Competency”, Rhodes, University of the Aegean.
  • 8 May 2019. Ιn collab. with  Markus Cslovjecsek, «Philosophy & Music in Classroom», in the frame of in the frame of the activities of the the Laboratory of Reseαrch on Practical Philosophy (L.R.P. Ph.) & the undergraduate course ‘‘Practicum 3d phase, Educational Design & Professional Competency”, Rhodes, University of the Aegean.
  • 3 & 5 September, 2019. “”Philosophical objects” & “SomaBody” projects”, NuFFC-CNPq- (Núcleo de Pesquisa em Filosofia Francesa Contemporânea), Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ).
  • 23 Νοvember 2021. «Philosophy all around: Mind the body… (and vice versa)”, 2nd Online International Pre-Biennale of invited workshops in Practical Philosophy (23 & 24 November 2021), Laboratory of Reseαrch on Practical Philosophy (L.R.P.Ph.), (, Rhodes, University of the Aegean.
  • 20 May 2022: Workshop (in collaboration with prof. Kizel, A., University of Haifa) entitled: Dialogue as educational-pedagogical practice through literature as leaning material, in the framework of the course: «Philosophy & Literature: Philosophy for/with children & children’s book» of the Master Program «Children’s Book and educational material», University of the Aegean.
  • 21 May 2022: Workshop of Practical Philosophy I (in collaboration with prof. Kizel, A., University of Haifa) «Discussing in the classroom: a self-delusion? Οbservation-Interferences», in the frame of the3rd Congress for undergraduate students 2021-2022, EduTopia & the project Ou-tis [Nobody] of the Laboratory of Reseαrch on Practical Philosophy (L.R.P.Ph.), May 21-22, 2022 (//, Rhodes, University of the Aegean
  • 22 May 2022: Workshop of Practical Philosophy II «Some/a-Body experience», in the frame of EduTopia: 3rd Congress for undergraduate students 2021-2022 & of the project Some/a-Body, of the Laboratory of Reseαrch on Practical Philosophy (L.R.P.Ph.), Rhodes, May 21-22, 2022 (//, Rhodes, University of the Aegean.
  • 5 October 2022. Workshop: «The emergence of the sea as “philosophical object”», in: Educational Voyages in Aeiphoria (E.V.A): Crossing the Aegean, University of the Aegean, School of Business, Department of Shipping, Trade and Transport.
  • 15 March 2023. «Closure discussion with all speakers: what about practical philosophy?», in:  4th Blended Doctoral & Master Students International Seminar, Research Themes ΙV, 2022-2023, Laboratory of Research on Practical Philosophy (L.R.P.Ph.), University of the Aegean (14 & 15 March 2023).
  • 17 March 2023. Workshop (in collaboration with prof. Kizel, A., University of Haifa) entitled: Principles: values & methods in Philosophy for/with Children, in the framework of the course: «Philosophy & Literature: Philosophy for/with children & children’s book» of the Master Program «Children’s Book and educational material», University of the Aegean.
  • 7-9 March 2023. ‘‘Philosophical Objects’’ as part of an exhibition, Workshops, in the frame of the Traveling Seminar 2022-2023/ “Literature and human rights” – 3rd part, ‘‘Practical Philosophy & foreignness’’, Rhodes, Laboratory of Research on Practical Philosophy in collaboration with the Department of Literature, Arts and Media, University of Konstanz, Germany [For the ERUA newsletter, about the Travelling Seminar, see here].
  • 23-24 June 2023. Practical Philosophy & “Philosophical Objects” – Ideas & Materials, Workshops with students from the Fachbereich Literatur-, Kunst- und Medienwissenschaften [Department of Literature, Art and Media Studies], Konstanz: University of Konstanz, in the frame of the Travelling Seminar 2022-2023 / “Literature and human rights”, Part 4 [For the ERUA newsletter, about the Travelling Seminar, see here].
  • Coordination of the production of material during the workshops of the Traveling Seminar “Literature and Human Rights”. In this context, the video “Hanging by a Silken Thread” [Special exhibition area: The Thread], realized by the students Kiara Francke and Luisa Ostenrieder of the University of Konstanz, was presented at the exhibition Literatur Und Menschenrechte (1-15.10. 2023 at the Wieland-Museum/Biberach-Germany)
  • November 2, 2023. «Practical Philosophy in education: philosophy & praxis of dialogue/discussion», in: Blended Intensive Programme (BIP/Erasmus+), Forms of dialogue/discussion in education, Philosophical perspectives & approaches, Academic Coordination: Prof. Elena Theodoropoulou, Receiving Institution: University of the Aegean, Department of Preschool Education Sciences & Educational Design, Organisation: «Laboratory of Research on Practical Philosophy» Rhodes, 30 October 2023-3 November 2023.
  • June 12, 2024. Philosophical Discussion Workshops with primary school children based on improvisation, in collaboration with Rita Coutinho Afonso Mendes Pedro, Lycee français Charles Lepierre, Lisbon.
  • 1 Νovember 2024. «Elder_Flower Project: About Elderness», in: «Forms of dialogue/discussion in education. Philosophical perspectives & approaches». Receiving institution: UAegean (Coordinator: Prof. Elena Theodoropoulou), 29 October-2 November 2024, Rhodes/Greece, Department of Preschool Education Sciences & Educational Design/ « Laboratory of Research on Practical Philosophy” (L.R.P.Ph.). Collaborating institutions: Universidade dos Açores, Portugal (UAC), Babeș-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania (BBU), Università degli Studi di Bergamo, Italy (UniBg), Université de Bordeaux, France (UB), Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal (UC), Università degli Studi di Padova, Italy (UniPD).
  • 1 Νovember 2024. «Discussion/Dialogue on Films: Views & interprétations», in: «Forms of dialogue/discussion in education. Philosophical perspectives & approaches». Receiving institution: UAegean (Coordinator: Prof. Elena Theodoropoulou), 29 October-2 November 2024, Rhodes/Greece, Department of Preschool Education Sciences & Educational Design/ « Laboratory of Research on Practical Philosophy” (L.R.P.Ph.). Collaborating institutions: Universidade dos Açores, Portugal (UAC), Babeș-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania (BBU), Università degli Studi di Bergamo, Italy (UniBg), Université de Bordeaux, France (UB), Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal (UC), Università degli Studi di Padova, Italy (UniPD).
Serie’s direction & Journal’s Committees
  • Member of the scientific committee of the Journal «δια-ΛΟΓΟΣ» [dia-LOGOS], Υearbook of Philosophical Research.
  • Member of the scientific committee of the Journal “Philosophical Hellenic Journal » of the Hellenic Philosophical Society
  • Member of the editorial committee of the journal: «Pedagogical Streams at the Aegean»,
  • Co-directress of the series (with M. Kaila & Guy Berger): «Texts of Education», editions Atrapos/Diadrassi.
  • Directress of the series: “Pedagogical Innovations. Philosophy in Praxis”. Editions: Pedio.
  • Co-directress of the series «Philosophy & Child» (with Maughn Gregory, Montclair State University), Editions: Diadrassi.
  • Directress of the University of the Aegean Laboratory of Research on Practical Philosophy Series: Philosophy & Education. Research, Theories, Concepts, Practices; Proceedings of Scientific Meetings/Threads: Days & Works/Photo-graphies: Days & Works (//
  • Editor of the International Journal “Amechanon” of the Laboratory of Research on Practical Philosophy (L.R.P.Ph.) of the University of the Aegean (//
  • Co-editor (in collab. with D. Moreau) of the International Journal “Epistrophe. Journal of Professional Ethics in Philosophy and Education. Studies and Practices [EPREPE], University of the Aegean (//
  • Member of the scientific committee of the Journal: “Hellenic Journal of Research in Education” (Laboratory of Research in Pedagogy and Educational Practices / Democritus University of Thrace).
  • Member of the scientific committee of the Journal: Penser l’éducation. ISSN: 1253-1006, PURH;
  • Member of the reading committee of the Revista Colombiana de Educacion Superior.
  • Member of the scientific committee of the Journal: «Ιtinerάrios de Filosofia da Educaçao», Gabinete de Filosofia da Educação do Instituto de Filosofia da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto.
  • Member of the scientific committee of the journal: «Percursos & Ideias», Instituto Superior de Ciências Empresariais e do Turismo, ISCET, Porto.
  • Member of the scientific committee of the Journal: “Eduquer/Former. Les Cahiers de l’ISP » (Journal of the Superior Institute of Pedagogy).
  • Member of the scientific committee of the journal, « Le Télémaque », Universitary Presses of Caen.
  • Member of the editorial committee of the Journal: “Saber & Educar”, ESE of Paula Frassinetti.
  • Co-responsible with Didier Moreau of the section «International» & reviewer of the Journal ARPHÉ (Yearbook of Research in Philosophy of Education) of the Francophone Society of Philosophy of Education (SOFPHIED).
  • Reviewer at the Philosophy International Journal
  • Advisory Board member of the Journal Childhood & Philosophy (
  • External scientific expert in the OpenEdition (
  • Reviewer at the Journal: Revista Portuguesa de Pedagogia.
  • Member of the Editorial Board of the Educational Review, The Journal of the Hellenic Educational Society.
  • Member of the Editorial Board/Reviewer Panel of Education Journal.
  • Member of the scientific committee of the Journal: Cqia-rivista / CQIIA (Centro per la Qualità dell’Insegnamento, dell’Innovazione didattica e dell’Apprendimento) dell’Università di Bergamo
  • Εditor-in-chief for the Journal: Aigaio.Edu, Issues 4-7 (For more information, see here)
  • Member of the Editorial Board of the Publications of the Center of Research in Social & Cultural Anthropology, CRASC, Oran (General Directorate of Scientific Research and Technological Development, Minister of Higher Education & Scientific Research)
  • Member of the Scientific Committee of the Journal RELIANCE: Revue de recherche & pratiques en éducation (
  • 11-14 July 2000. The Cultural Heritage: a Pedagogical Place-Right to Defend the Rights of Childhood, at the 1st International Forum for the Rights of the Child, “The Child: First Citizen of the World”, (οrganized by the Prefectural Administration of Dodecanese, Municipality of Leros, under the auspices of the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew), Leros.
  • 4 April 2001. “The University and Culture Production. An example of a pedagogical relationship with the architectural result”, Open Talk, “The Colonial Architecture in the Dodecanese, 1912-1947”, University of Florence in collaboration with the Prefecture of Dodecanese, the Rhodes Municipality, the University of the Aegean, the Italian Consulate, Rhodes.
  • 3 December 2002. “Persons with disabilities and education. The University Mediation”, Meeting for the National Day of Disabled People, Dodecanese Association of Disabled People, University of the Aegean, Rhodes.
  • 21-24 May, 2003. “University-local society: a difficult balance ?” at: Pan-Hellenic Congress of Psychological Research with International Participation “Old wine in a new barrel”, Hellenic Psychological Association and University of the Aegean, Rhodes.
  • 14 November 2006. Le tact pédagogique de Herbart à aujourd’hui» & «Quelle place à la philosophie dans la construction des sciences de l’éducation en Europe?, Seminar lectures for Phd candidates in the Sciences of Education et formation and for the students of the Lifelong Learning Program of the University of Paris 8 / Laboratory EXPERICE, Paris.
  • 24 February 2009. The Complex Thought and the Role of Philosophy, in the Training Day: “Modern School and Teaching Suggestions” (organization: 36th Primary Education Educational Region), Athens.
  • 30 March 2009. Filosofia da Educação e Filosofia com Crianças, in: Escola Superior de Educação de Paula Frassinetti, Porto.
  • 31 March 2009. Philosophia da Educaçao, Direitos Humanos e la Problematica da Empatia, Universida de Porto, Instituto de Filosofia, Porto.
  • 28 April 2010. “I am thinking philosophically, so …”, Open University of Chania Prefecture, Chania.
  • 2 December 2011. Philosophy, Child and the Common Mind of Education, Lecture-seminar at the Department of Preschool Education at Democritus University of Thrace, Alexandroupolis.
  • 18-19 June 2011. Knowledge in the school: the red line of meaning, Keynote speech, Conference of Presidents and Deans of the Pedagogical Departments of the Greek Universities, «The role of knowledge in modern society. The teacher of the future» (organization: University of Western Macedonia, Pedagogical School of Florina), Florina.
  • 3 March 2012. Women, Philosophy and Public Life in the framework of a lecture series organized by the School of Humanities of the University of the Aegean in collaboration with the Municipality of Rhodes. Section Title: Women’s Approaches to Modern Life, Rhodes.
  • 18 February 2013. The Literary Texts in Primary School, Seminar in the frame of the training conference: “The literary texts in the Primary School” (organization: 8th Primary School of Education), Athens.
  • 4 April 2013. Seminar lecture on: Forming philosophical thinking. The issue of Philosophy in Classroom: Reflections, organized by the Scientific Supervising Board of the Pilot, Experimental Primary School of the University of Athens (Maraslio), Athens.
  • 16 May 2013. The Personalism in the Modern World, workshop organized by the Spiritual Renewal Group, in collaboration with the Department of Education Sciences of the University of Cyprus, Nicosia.
  • 29 November 2013. The travel for teaching in the framework of the Erasmus mobility as design, experience et reflection (, Conference of the National Unit/ European Educational Program lifelong learning/ LLP – ERASMUS, Thematic Event: “In the research of excellence in the Erasmus mobility”, Athens.
  • 24 February 2014. Du caring thinking, entre le bien-penser et le bien- être, Itinerant Seminar of pluridisciplinary researches: « Le bien-être à l’école » (SPH Bordeaux Montaigne & ÉSPÉ d’Aquitaine Mérignac), Bordeaux.
  • 22 February-8 March 2014. “Philosophy in Action, Philosophy with the Children”, Series of Lectures, N & M Theocharakis Foundation for Visual Arts and Music, Athens, (
  • 7 March 2015. Philosophy, Children, Teachers and Questions, seminar lecture, training Seminar (organized by the Regional Directorate of Primary and Secondary Education of Attica, Third Directorate for Education in Athens), Athens.
  • 4 May 2015. The issue of professional ethics in education, Program of Training Seminars “Innovation Management Program in the Educational Community” (Organization of the Second Primary Education Administration), Rhodes.
  • 4-5 December 2015. The fetish of the discussion in education and philosophy – fireball or the philosophical contribution, in: Τwo-day Conference, “The promotion of dialogue through philosophy in Education: from theory to practice”, School of Educational Sciences of the Nicosia University in collaboration with the Chair Unesco “The cultural alterity & the Intercultural Dialogue for a Civilization of Peace”, Nicosia.
  • 4-5 December 2015. «Searching Philosophy in the classroom»: Applied Seminar in the frame of Conference: «Promotion of dialogue through Philosophy in Education: From Theory to Practice», University of Nicosia & the Chair of Unesco “The cultural alterity & the Intercultural Dialogue for a Civilization of Peace”, Nicosia.
  • 20, 23, 26 September 2016. Dilemmatization, tact, threshold philosophy within or nearby the practical / The philosophical duende. Philosophy with children and pedagogical and institutional diversions / Philosophy Eitherwise. About “Philosophical Objects” / Βοοks of literature or photographies as philosophical objects in the classroom, Series of seminar lectures, Instituto Superior de Ciencias de la Educacion del Estado del Mexico & Escuola Normal del Chalco, Toluca & Chalco City.
  • 21 January 2017. Philosophical Body. Body in Education. Entering a Research Laboratory, Ethnological Museum of Alexandroupolis (, Alexandroupolis.
  • 19, 26 January, 2 February 2018. Practical Philosophy, Philosophical Practices, Series of conferences, N & M Theocharakis Foundation for Visual Arts and Music, (, Athens.
  • 7 March 2018. Pedagogical-philosophical tact: philosophy of education & educator’s work, Philosophy of education in praxis. Which role for philosophy of education?, Series of lectures, University of Haifa / Dep. of Education, Instruction & Teacher Education, Faculty of Education, Haifa.
  • 8 March 2018. « La philosophie de l’éducation dans la pratique. Quel rôle pour la philosophie de l’éducation? », Series of lectures, University of Haifa / Dep. of Education, Instruction & Teacher Education, Faculty of Education, Haifa.
  • 24 February 2019. Presentation of Philippe Meirieu & discussion coordination of his lecture: “What Pedagogy for a School of real equality?”, French Institut of Greece, Athens.
  • 11 June 2019. Another way of making philosophy – the example of the ‘philosophical objects’ and of the’ Soma/eBody [做哲學的另種方式:「哲學客體」以及「某身體」作為範例], Social Research and Cultural Studies of National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu City.
  • 30 August 2019. Ways of making philosophy – about practical philosophy, NuFFC-CNPq- (Núcleo de Pesquisa em Filosofia Francesa Contemporânea), Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), Rio de Janeiro.
  • 2 September 2019. Something inside it. Philosophy confronted with materials and vice-versa. Like a scaffolding, in the frame of the Conference «Ο qhe hά dentro la filosofia? Sobre materiais e infância », Universidade do Estado do Rio di Janeiro (UERJ), Rio di Janeiro.
  • 6 December 2019. The project “Philosophical Objects” & its concepts, “Professional Master Program in Philosophy”, Universidade Federal de Campina Grande.
  • 17 & 18 January, 2020. One certain attention to thinking & the dialogical zeal, Keynote speach in: 7th Scientific Congress of Specialties, “ Designing Didactics, Training & Professional Vocation of Teachers ” organized by the Superior School of Pedagogical & Technological Education & the Association of Teachers of Musical Education of Primary Education, Athens.
  • 5 Νοvember 2020 The frozen thoughts, the activity of the thinking which defrozen them and the professional ethics, Institut d’éthique appliquée (IDÉA), Laval University, Québec [online]
  • 15 December 2020. Philosophy. A school of freedom: Teaching philosophy and learning to philosophize – State of affairs and perspectives, Conference in the frame of an online scientific meeting. Organization: UNESCO Chair «Cultural diversity and Intercultural Dialogue for a Culture of Peace», University of Nicosia,  (
  • November 28, 2022. About “Philosophical Objets”, Cinema & pedagogical trap, lecture in the framework of the Master Program “Cultural Informatics & Communication”, University of the Aegean.
  • 26 April 2022. Philosophy of Education and its practical dimension, Dipartimento di Scienze Umane e Sociali Settore Scientifico Disciplinare: Pedagogia Generale E Sociale, Università degli Studi di Bergamo.
  • 29 April 2022. The relation of philosophy with literature in the classroom, Dipartimento di Scienze Umane e Sociali Settore Scientifico Disciplinare: STORIA DELLA PEDAGOGIA, Università degli Studi di Bergamo.
  • 28 February 2023. « Practical Philosophy: Denormativisation Gestures», in: Launch event of the «Mediterranean Association for Philosophy with Children» (MAPwC).
  • 21 April 2023. PhilosophAlia : Faire de la philosophie ailleurs, autrement, : faire de la philosophie pratique [ PhilosophAlia: Doing philosophy elsewhere, otherwise : doing practical philosophy ]. Lecture in the framework of the : « Interuniversity Seminar of doctoral & post-doctoral training, 2022-3. Organization: Network GIS – LE SUJET DANS LA CITE, Sorbonne Paris Nord – Campus Condorcet. Collaborating institutions : Université Sorbonne Paris Nord, Université de Lille, Université Paris-Est Créteil (UPEC), Freie Universität Berlin Allemagne, Institut d’anthropologie historique., Universidade do Estado da Bahia-Brésil, Universidade Federal de Rio Grande do Norte-Brésil, Université de Buenos Aires (UBA) Argentine, Université d’Antoquia Medellín-Colombie.
  • 27 April 2023. An example of Practical philosophy: the project of “Philosophical Objects”. Lecture at the Center for Applied Philosophy (CAPH) / Faculty of History & Philosophy, “Babeș-Bolyai” University of Cluj-Napoca.
  • May 15, 2023. «Ways of practical philosophy: the experience of a threshold I», in: Blended Intensive Programme (BIP/Erasmus) entitled: Practical knowledge in Philosophy: Affectivity, Skills and Knowing-How. BIP coordination: Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj/Romania.
  • 23-24 June 2023. Practical Philosophy & Literature, University of Konstanz, Fachbereich Literatur-, Kunst- und Medienwissenschaften [Department of Literature, Art and Media Studies] in the frame of the Travelling Seminar “Literature and human rights”, 2022-3, Part 4 [For the ERUA newsletter, about the Travelling Seminar, see here].
  • November 15, 2023. Philosophy for/with children: an open case for philosophy of/in education (子どものための/子どもと共にある哲学: 教育哲学/教育の最中にある哲学のためのひとつのオープン・ケース), Soka University, Global Square AC634, Tokyo-Japan (
  • 06.12.2023¨. “The “Philosophical Objects” project: about a minor philosophical &  pedagogical experience”, in the frame of the course, Design of Educational Environments,  2nd cycle degree (Magistrale) in Pedagogy, Department of Philosophy, Sociology, Education and Applied Psychology, University of Padova.
  • 28 February 2023. « Practical Philosophy: Denormativisation Gestures», in:  Launch event of the new Mediterranean Association for Philosophy with Children (MAPwC).
  • June 7, 2024. ‘‘Sortez moi de ce matériel…’’, in: Cerveaux métaphysiques: La Philosophie Pratique et la Créativité dans l’enfance, Centro Cultural de Belém, Lisbon.
  • September 10, 2024. A path: from philosophy of education to practical philosophy, Montclair State University/College for Education and Engaged Learning – Institute for the Advancement of Philosophy for Children, New Jersey.
  • 04 November 2024. Seizing the detail as a research gesture in practical philosophy, in the frame of the course, Design of Educational Environments, 2nd cycle degree (Magistrale) in Pedagogy, Department of Philosophy, Sociology, Education and Applied Psychology, University of Padova.
  • 10 November 2024. Keynote speaker: “The Challenge of Virtuality in Education–Towards a Plural Reality (虚拟教育的挑战——走向多元现实)”, in: International Conference “Future of Graduate Education in the Digital Intelligence Era”, Co-organizers: School of Humanities & Social Sciences-Institute of Higher Education [IHE], Beihang University, China, Association of Chinese Graduate Education, Research Center for Graduate Education Reform & Development.
  • 11 November 2024. The Philosophy of Education: from Socrates to modern times (教育哲学的发展史:从苏格拉底走向现代), Beihang University, School of Humanities & Social Sciences, China (
  • 15 January 2025. “Philosophie de l’éducation en Praxis (?): un «pas moi» parcours”, Online Lecture in the framework of the SofPhied (Société Francophone de Philosophie de l’Education) Seminar.
Tutorial Courses (L.R.P.Ph., Rhodes)
  • Incorporate Philosophy into Music
  • Philosophical Objects, Soma/eBody
  • Kinesiology/philosophical staging
  • Philosophy, Arts, Education / Philosophical Objects
  • The SomaeBody project as philosophical performance & dialogue with staging arts
  • Forms of discussion in the classroom
  • Praxial philosophy in music education (in collaboration with Argyrioy Maria)
  • Philosophical Τexts/Philosophical Lectern I. (in collaboration with Nikolakopoulou Elena)
  • Philosophical Τexts/Philosophical Lectern II.
  • Philosophy, Body, Movement, Theatre
  • How much philosophy does children’s literature stand for?
  • Pedagogical / Philosophical Dialogue
  • What is professional ethics & what its significance? (in collaboration with Jean-François Dupeyron)
  • Τhe well being in the classroom
  • Philosophical traces & philosophical emergences in literature
  • Research Calendar: recording, research, understanding (in collaboration with Remi Hess)
Doctoral/Master Thesis & HDR Juries
  • Supervisor or member of the examination committee or rapporteur in more than 30 thesis in universities of Greece, Cyprus (University of Nicosia), France (University Paris 8 Vincennes-Saint-Denis, University of Nantes, University of Bordeaux-Montaigne, University Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne), Brezil (Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro), Benin (University of Abomey-Calavi (UAC).
  • Supervisor of more than 150 Master theses or member of the examination committee of more than 130 Master theses in universities of Greece, Cyprus, France (University Paris 8 Saint-Denis, University of Rouen, University of Bordeaux), Colombia ( Universidad Santiago de Cali), University of the Azores.
  • Member of 10 committees for the obtention of the Habilitation Diploma/HDR, (Universities of Nantes, Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, Bordeaux-Montaigne, Paris 8 Vincennes-Saint-Denis, Université de Lorraine, Université Paris Est Créteil) & member of electoral bodies in more than 25 elections and developments to teaching staff in Greece.
  • Academically responsible & supervisor in the context of the mobility of students (undergraduate, postgraduate, doctoral level) for studies or internships within the Erasmus+ International Programme (countries of origin Mexico, Japan, Taiwan, Canada, China, Turkey, Brazil, Israel), //

Congresses, Colloquia, Conferences, Seminars

[indicative list]
Participation with oral communication:
  • 27 -30 August 1992. La mort et la vie tragiques chez Eschyle: le principe, la médiation, le sens, paper presented at : Ιnternational Symposium, « Association des Sociétés de Philosophie de Langue Franςaise » (ASPLF), « La Vie et la Mort », Société Poitevine de Philosophie, Poitiers.
  • 6-10 July 1993, Jerusalem. Forms and Directions of Education for Democracy in the Greek school system, paper presented at : International Colloquium, «Education for Democracy in a multicultural society», Adam Institute For Democracy and Peace.
  • 7-10 July 1993. Co-development in the Region of Dodecanese: University, Schοol system, Society, paper presented at: 3rd International Congress, INRUDA, International Network οn the Role of Universities in Developing Areas, Aςores.
  • 28-30 December 1993, Israel. Teaching οn the frontier, papier presented at: International Congress, «Regional Development: The challenge of the Frontier», Ben-Gurion University of the Νegev.
  • 2003, Varna. The defense of the teaching of Philosophy and Philosophy for Children, paper presented at: 11th Biannual Conference of the International Council for Philosophical Inquiry with Children (ICPIC), «Children and adults: a philosophical encounter».
  • 20 March 2003, Dakar. Unsustainable Representation of Women in the Academic world: the case of Greece and Cyprus, paper presented at: International Colloquium “Femmes, savoirs, sciences et développement durable”, Prelude, Chaire Unesco, Enda-TM, Ifan Cheikh Aneta Diop, 18-21 March.
  • 18-19 December 2003, Dijon. La sortie de l’univers d’Aladin. L’éthique à travers la philosophie de l’éducation – et à travers elles, l’égalité, paper presented at the opening Round Table of the International Colloquium, «La Philosophie saisie par l’éducation: identités d’un champ de recherches», organized by the «Centre Gaston Bachelard de Recherches sur l’Imaginaire et la Rationalité» et le Département des Sciences de l’Education de l’University of Bourgogne.
  • 25-29 March 2004, Graz/Austria. The children-bolides, the Philosophy (of Education) and the «good conscience», paper presented at: International Conference, «Philosophy with Children: Encouraging Philosophical thinking», ACPC Austrian Center of Philosophy with Children, Graz/Austria, Karl-Franzens-Universität.
  • 22-25 September 2004, Crete. The “tact” and! of (the) Philosophy of Education, paper presented at: European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), organized by the European Educational Research Association (EERA).
  • 30 June-2 July 2005, Arradon. Homo criticus, homo philosophicus, paper presented at: Conférence International Conference, «Quelle idée de l’homme pour le pédagogue», UCO Bretagne-Sud Vannes-Arradon.
  • 3, 4 & 5 November 2005, Porto. De la philosophie de l’éducation: le visage de Janus, paper presented at : 2a Conferência Internacional de Filosofia da Educaçao, «Liminares Contemporâneos da Educaçao. Perspectivas Filosoficas», University of Porto.
  • 8 September 2006, Montpellier. Le paradoxe philosophique de l’éducation à la démocratie, paper presented at : Colloquium «Autorité éducative, savoir, socialisation démocratique», 8 et 9 Septembre, Centre de Recherches sur la Formation, l’Education, l’Enseignement (CERFEE),Université Montpellier 3, Le Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire de Recherche en Didactique, Education et Formation (LIRDEF – IUFM de l’Académie de Montpellier.
  • 15 November 2006, Paris. Faire de l’éducation, faire de la philosophie, paper presented at : International Colloquium «Nouvelles Pratiques Philosophiques» in the frame of the International Day of Philosophy at Unesco, «La Philosophie comme pratique éducative et culturelle : une nouvelle citoyenneté», 15 & 16 Novembre, Maison de l’Unesco.
  • 19 et 20 Juin 2006, Nantes. Un cas de problématisation: l’antinomie et sa gestion dans le cadre de la philosophie de l’éducation, 3ème Colloquium du Réseau International Problema, « La problématisation: Transversalités et Spécificités », University of Nantes.
  • 3-6 August 2006, Μalta. «Philosophy of Education: a philosophical observation post?», workshop at: 10th INPE Biennial Conference, Philosophical Perspectives on Educational Practice in the 21th Century, University of Malta.
  • 13-14 Αpril 2007, Patras. Values for the European citizen at the Curricula: the case of the school manuals of the religious lesson in the 3rd and 4th class of Primary School, paper presented at: South – European and Mediterranean Conference on Citizenship Education, 13-14 April, Pedagogical Department of Primary Education, University of Patras.
  • 7-12 May 2007, Québec à Trois. Le nœud théorie-pratique: la philosophie de l’éducation en problématisation, paper presented at: 75th Congress of ACFAS, «Entre Bachelard et Dewey, regards croisés sur la problématisation. Approches réflexives et praxéologiques de l’éducation», Université du Québec à Trois .
  • 12 Juin, 2008, Rhodes. De l’horrible danger de problématisation, opening conference at the 5th Colloquium of the International Network Problema: « La problématisation dans l’enseignement et la formation: Quelles difficultés? Quelles aides possibles? », 12-14 Juin, University of the Aegean.
  • 24-25 June 2008, Paris. Pour une philosophie de l’éducation s’approchant de la pédagogie institutionnelle (piste d’amorçage, l’éthique interculturelle), paper presented at : Colloquium, «La place des femmes dans l’analyse institutionnelle», UFR-Sciences de l’Education/Paris 8.
  • 16 – 19 October 2008, Graz. The emergence of the intercultural intention through the crossing of Children’s Literature and of Philosophy with Children, paper presented at : International Conference “Philosophy of Interculturality”, ACPC Austrian Center of Philosophy with Children, Graz/Austria, Karl-Franzens-Universität, under the auspices of the Austrian Commission for UNESCO.
  • 20-21 November 2008, Porto. Territorialisations dompteuses et seuils sauvages: de l’espace et de la philosophie de l’éducation, paper presented at : 1º Colóquio Internacional, «Modos e figures do habitar», Research Group Philosophy and Public Space, Gabinete de Filosofia da Educação, Faculdade de Letras, University of Porto.
  • 23-26 June 2009, Paris. De l’espace lefebvrien et de la philosophie de l’éducation, paper presented at : Colloque pour les 40 ans de Paris 8: «L’héritage de Georges Lapassade». UFR 8, Laboratoire Experice, Paris 8, Vincennes-Saint-Denis.
  • 25-27 Juin 2009, Paris. Faire de la philosophie avec les enfants: la philosophie comme agent empathique, participation to the round table: « Enfants et Philosophie», in the frame of the International Conference: Troisièmes rencontres de la Sofphied, « Repenser l’enfance? Une question philosophique. Une question à la philosophie », SOFPHIED (Société Francophone de la Philosophie de l’Education).
  • 2-4 July 2009, Angers. Quelle foi dans une pédagogie de l’éducation spécialisée? Le cas de la solitude intraitable (in collab. with Carvalho Dias A.), paper presented at:  International Francophone Colloquium, «La foi du Pédagogue», 2. Foi pédagogique: l’absurde, l’acédie, l’horizon, participation to the round table opening the Colloquium, Université Catholique de l’Ouest-Angers.
  • 20, 21, 22 Mai 2010, Bizerte. Seuils et fragilités: parcours de problématisation pour l’éducation spécialisée, commun. à: 7ème Colloque du Réseau International Problema, « Diversité des problèmes et des problématisations : vers une typologie », Tunisia.
  • 30 October 2009. Basel. De la congruence: un haut-fond pour la philosophie de l’éducation, paper presented at : Colloque International, «Philosophy of Education and the Transformation of Educational Systems », 29-31 October, University of Basel.
  • 10-13 April 2011. Brussels (in collab. with: S. Banks, A. Carvalho, D.Snieskiene, A. Vanhala), Professional wisdom and ethics: a symposium, paper presented at : Ιnternational Conference: Social Action in Europe: Sustainable Social Development and Economic Challenges”, “European Network for Social Action” (ENSACT).
  • 18, 19, 20 May 2011, Porto. Le secret de Selia Copplestone ou comment (ne pas) sortir de la solitude, paper presented at : IIIrd International Congress of SOFELP, «La Solitude aux seuils de la personne et de la solidarité: entre les liens et les fractures sociales», SOFELP (Société de Philosophie de l’Éducation de Langue Portugaise), with SOFPHIED (Société Francophone de Philosophie de l’Éducation).
  • 26-28 May 2011, Paris. La médiation de l’empathie: entre la sollicitude et la compréhension, paper presented at : International Conference « L’individu et le collectif: une question philosophique pour l’éducation», SOFPHIED (Société Francophone de Philosophie de l’Éducation).
  • 10 Juin, 2011, Granville. La problématisation de l’interculturel: la fragilité des approches, 8th Colloquium of the International Network Problema co-organized by the Univefsity of Caen-Basse-Normandie IUFM CERSE EA 965, 9-11 Juin.
  • 12 – 16 July 2011, Tilos. The ambush of congruence: the philosophy of education on the verge of its common sense, paper presented at : 1st Conference “Philosophy of Education as a Lived Experience: Navigating Through Dichotomies of Thought and Action”, University of Cyprus & Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain (PESGB).
  • 20-22 October 2011, Rhodes. Philosophical deviations & calls: philosophy with children & women places, paper presented at the Congress: “Feminin & Masculin Representations in children & young literature”, organized by the Master Program «Children Book & Pedagogical Material », University of the Aegean.
  • 24-26 Mai 2012, Jersey. La dilemmatisation comme une procédure de formation problématisante (in collab. with Dias de Carvalho A.), 9th Colloquium of the International Network Problema, « Les dynamiques de problématisation ».
  • 18 – 21 October 2012, Graz/Austria. From the ‘sentiendum’ to the ‘cogitandum’ and what force us to think, paper presented at : International Conference, «Cognition – Emotion – Communication Scopes and Limits / Kognition – Emotion – Kommunikation» Möglichkeiten und Grenzen, ACPC Austrian Center of Philosophy with Children, Graz/Austria, Karl-Franzens-Universität.
  • 7-10 November 2012, Porto. De l’anthropocentrisme, du sens commun et des seuils d’intensité, paper presented at : Colóquio Internacional, «Direitos Humanos e contemporaneidade: o novo contrato social»/International Conference, «Human Rigths and contemporaneity: the new social contract» organized by: Gabinete de Filosofia da Educação, Instituto de Filosofia / Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto.
  • 18-20 January 2013, Thessaloniki. Theory, Practice & emergences of the commonplace, paper presented at: Panhellenic Congress of Philosophy, «Mass image & globalizating processus: for a new politics of the culture”, Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki / Department of Educational & Social Politics of Macedonia, Journal Philosophein.
  • 9-11 September 2013, Genève. La dilémmatisation comme un mécanisme de réflexion morale, paper presented in the frame of the Symposium « L’éthique professionnelle des enseignants et les enjeux de l’éducation tout au long de la vie », VIIes Journées du REF (Réseau international francophone de recherche en éducation et formation), University of Geneva.
  • 27 September, 2014, Αthens. From Philosophy of Education to Professional Ethics in Education and vice versa: an impossible way?/ De la Philosophie de l’Education à l’Ethique Professionnelle en éducation et vice versa: un trajet impossible, 5th International Congress «International and European trends in Education and their impact on the Greek Educational System», 26-28 September, “Higher School of Pedagogical & Technological Education”, “Association of Teachers of Musical Education of Primary Education” & “Peripheral Directorate of Primary & Secondary Education of Attica”.
  • 19 -20 November 2014, Paris. Le duende philosophique. Pour un commentaire sur l’acte philosophique dans le cadre scolaire, paper presented at : Journée Mondiale de la Philosophie 2014 et 14èmes Rencontres internationales sur les Nouvelles Pratiques Philosophiques organised by PHILOLAB et le CREN, Maison de l’UNESCO.
  • 28-29 November 2014, Drama. Dead Imagination Imagine … the paradox of an invocation in education, opening speech, 5th Panhellenic Congress of the Society of Sciences of Education of Drama, «Creativity in Education».
  • 28 April 2014, Strasbourg. Du caring: Sentiment, réflexion, relation, acte, in the frame of the Day for: «Le Bien-être à l’école», under the coordination of: Espé de l’Académie de Strasbourg.
  • 5-7 June 2014, Bordeaux. La pluralité des sens, la nébulosité conceptuelle, l’ambivalence: un espace philosophique de problématisation (in collab. with Carvalho A. Dias de), paper presented at : 11ème Colloque du Réseau international Problema.
  • 27-30 April 2015, Rhodes. When the children’s book (do not) think philosophically. Boxings and perspectives, paper presented at : International Conference: “Literary Paths. Greece-Turkey”, International Center of Writers and Translators of Rhodes.
  • 13-14 May 2015, Rhodes. A perspicuous view of the foundations of possible buildings: verbiage and silence of moral values in education, paper presented at : International Conference: “Ethics in Education. Philosophical tracings and clearings”, Laboratory of Research on Practical & Applied Philosophy (L.R.P.A.Ph.), University of the Aegean.
  • 16 May 2015, Leros. The surroundings of the well-being in school or about care-logy, paper presented at : International Conference: “Well Being in the school: philosophical readings”, Laboratory of Research on Practical & Applied Philosophy (L.R.P.A.Ph.), University of the Aegean in collab. with the Direction of Secondary Education of Dodecanese & the Municipality of Leros.
  • 23 October 2015, Montreal. Dilemma & dilemmatisation as challenge for the ethical training in education: theoretical, practical and praxial landmarks (in collab. with Carvalho, A.), paper presented at : Congress of Xth international Meetings of the “Network Research in Education and training” (REF).
  • 22 -23 Novembre, 2015, Oran, Algérie. Le relais de l’éthique professionnelle en éducation – lieu glissant ou appui ?Pour la résistance d’une in-quiétude ou l’apport philosophique, paper presented at : International Colloquium, “Université et éthique professionnelle: Enjeux actuels”, Centre de Recherche en Anthropologie Sociale et Culturelle CRASC & University of Oran.
  • 4 December 2015, Nicosia. The fetish of discussion in education and the philosophy-fireball or the philosophical contribution, paper presented at the Conference: «Promotion of dialogue through Philosophy in Education: From Theory to Practice», 4-5 December, University of Nicosia & Chair of Unesco “The cultural alterity & the Intercultural Dialogue for a Civilization of Peace”.
  • 27-28 May 2016, Rhodes. The case of professional ethics in Education: shots, scannings, transcripts (in collab. With Nomikou A.), paper presented at the 8th Scientific Conference of Educational Design «The school as an intelligent, hybrid & moral entity», Master Program «Models of Development & Design of Educational units», University of the Aegean.
  • 13-16 October 2016, Gräz. Stoïc oikeiôsis, Critical Thinking & Philosophical Education, (in collab. with Monioudi, M.), paper presented in: Ιnternational Conference for Philosophy for Children, «Cosmopolitanismus und Identität», ACPC Austrian Center of Philosophy with Children, Graz/Austria, Karl-Franzens-Universität.
  • 16-18 Novembre 2016, Paris. Affaire Philosophie: laquelle, pour qui, par qui, avec qui, pourquoi, paper presented at: 15èmes Rencontres Internationales, « Nouvelles Pratiques Philosophiques à l’école et dans la cité », Maison de l’Unesco.
  • 28-29 April 2017, Corfu. Philosophy with/for children: the movement of thinking and the mechanical philosophizing, central speech at: Interdisciplinary Congress, «Child & Information: Searches & Approaches in History, Law-Deontology, Civilization» co-organized by: Research Group of Ionian University «Information: History, Regulation, Culture» (IHRC), the Laboratories of «Technologies of Information»/ «Documentation of Cultural & Historical Heritage», Department of Αrchiving, Library Science & Museology of School of Science of Information and Informatics of Ionian University.
  • 27 – 28 June 2017, Lyon. Errance ou Exil, dérives et passages. L’éducation et la formation de soi comme traversées des frontières, paper presented at : Colloque SOFPHIED «Education et Frontières», Sofphied (Société Francophone de la Philosophie de l’Education).
  • 30 June 2017, Bordeaux. ‘’Quand se leva la radieuse lumière du matin’’ … La capacité d’une certaine attention, paper presented at: International Conference, The schoolchild in his island, ESPE Site of Landes.
  • 4-6 July 2017, Paris. ‘’Qui est là?’’* ou ‘’ donnez-moi un corps’’ **. Du détail. Une remarque pour la formation éthique, paper presented at : XIIes Rencontres Internationales du «Réseau de recherche en éducation et en formation»-REF, in collab. with the «Conservatoire national des arts et métiers» -CNAM.
  • 11 October 2017, Buenos Aires. Scaffolds, thresholds, silences, fallacies of dialogue; the nausea of the undone, paper presented in the frame of the Symposium « El lugar de la filosofia de la educacion en la formacion : los desafios de la post-verdad » at: 4to Congresso Latinoamericano de Filosofίa de la Educaciόn « Desafίos de la Filosofίa de la Educaciόn en América Latina: Memoria y Prospectiva », 10-13 Οctober, Escuela de
  • 29 April 2018, Rhodes. Speach of closure: Round Table /Conclusions, 1st International Biennale on Practical Philosophy, ‘‘Philosophy in Praxis. The philosophical gesture: political, ethical, educational, artistic engagements’’, 27, 28, 29 April 2018 organized by the Laboratory of Research on Practical and Applied Philosophy (L.R.P.A.Ph.), University of the Aegean.
  • 18 May 2018, Rhodes. For frozen thoughts that the thinking activity ought to unfreeze, at: 10th International Scientific Meeting of Educational Design “The complexity in the School Design and Development”, organized by the Master Program “Models of Design And Development of Educational Units”, University of the Aegean.
  • 14 Juin 2018 Sherbrook. Narratives au bord de, au raz-bord, au ras de, Seminary, Cinema & Existence , Laboratory of Research in Existential Psychology of the Department of Psychology (University of Sherbrooke), Department of Psychiatry if the Faculty of Medecine & Sciences of Health (University of Sherbrooke)-Sector of humanist psychology of the Department of Psychology (University of Québec in Montreal).
  • 15 Juin 2018, Sherbrook. Le relais de la philosophie de l’éducation pour une saisie de l’éthique professionnelle dans la formation: Day of study, « Théories, cadres de référence et auteurs significatifs pour l’éthique dans les domaines de l’éducation et de la formation », Faculty of Education, University of Sherbrooke.
  • 02 September 2019, Rio di Janeiro. ‘Some-thing inside it’. Philosophy confronted with materials & vice versa. Like a scaffolding / “’Alguma coisa dentro dela’. A Filosofia confrontada com materiais e vice-versa. Como um andaime, Participation to the International Conference/Jornadas “O Que há dentro da filosofia? Sobre materiais e infâncias…”, Segunda-feira, 2 de setembro de 2019 (Projeto “A filosofia na infância da vida escolar”, PROPEd -Programa de Internacionalização CAPES, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ), Campus Maracanã.
  • 10 May 2020. Paper under the title, Objects/Ob-gestures, 1rst International online Pre-Biennale on Practical Philosophy, “Philosophy in Praxis. The philosophical gesture: political, ethical, educational, artistic engagements”, organized by the L.R.P.Ph.,  May 09-10, 2020, University of the Aegean (
  • 8 November 2020. Teaching through materials: the “impossible” gesture of de-normativization, 2nd International On-line Doctoral Seminar: “Research Themes II, 2020-1”, Laboratory of Research on Practical Philosophy (L.R.P.Ph.), Rhodes, 7-8 November 2020,//, University of the Aegean.
  • 25 May 2022: «Philosophy of education: about a kind of sprezzatura», in: Study Days 2022, Laboratory of Research on Practical Philosophy (L.R.P.Ph.) & International Network of Philosophy of Education in Praxis (NePhEdinPrax), Rhodes, May 25-26 2022 (//, University of the Aegean.
  • 14 March 2023. «Practical Philosophy as experimental research pathway (or “Mmmmmmm continues”)», in:  4th Blended Doctoral & Master Students International Seminar, Research Themes ΙV, 2022-2023, Laboratory of Research on Practical Philosophy (L.R.P.Ph.), University of the Aegean (14 & 15 March 2023).
  • June 16, 2023. «“Like a tightrope walker”*: a gesture for professional ethics in education», in: 12th Scientific Conference in Educational Planning: «The Engineering of Transition in Educational Design and Development of School Units: Theories, Systems, Structures, Processes, Functions, Models, Tools, Programs, Technologies», June 16-17, 2023, Rhodes, University of the Aegean.
  • November 4, 2023, «”Philosophical Objects” as paradoxes in a multimodal-artistic-performative-polyphonic process: a stake in Practical Philosophy», in: Interdisciplinary-Cultural Symposium: Creating Polyphonic Places of Meaning, Learning and Development: Playful alternative-experiential and embodied-polytropic psychopedagogical approaches, University of Crete, School of Education, Department of Early Childhood Education, Laboratory of Psychological Research, Unit of Ecological Psychology and Experiential, Heuristic and Narrative-Dialogical Psychopedagogy, Old Town of Rethymnon, November  3-6, 2023.
  • December 5, 2023, Chairing of the session ” Plus d’humanité ! / More humanity (humaneness) / No more humanity!” in the framework of the online event “ERUA’s Night of Ideas 2023” organised by Paris 8 and the French Institut as an activity of the European Alliance ERUA.
  • 23 April 2024. “Thinking about some cases that Practical Philosophy can think about” Oral communication (in collaboration with Elena Nikolakopoulou & Eugenia Patta) in: 3rd Internation Biennale on Practical Philosophy, Rhodes, 19-23 April organized by the Laboratory of Research o Practical Philosophy, Uninversity of the Aegean.
  • 9-11 December 2024. Theodoropoulou, Elena (إيلينا ثيورودوبولو), “D’une éthique professionnelle fragile: la tension méthodologique et l’équilibre sur un seuil (من منظور أخلاقيات مهنية هشة : عتابات الأزمة المنهجية والتوازن)”, presentation at the round table «Éthique et société du savoir : enjeux et défis du 21ème siècle», International Symposium: «L’Algérie après 70 ans. Les défis du renouvellement des connaissances en sciences sociales et humaines», organised by the Centre de Recherche en Anthropologie Sociale et Culturelle, CRASC,
  • 13 December 2024. “Philosophie pratique: En crevant la peau des choses 1 -Grains de performance et de jeu”, in: Colloque, jeux et performances: Les jeux de la recherche-création, Musée Français de la carte à jouer, Paris, 12 and 13 December 2024 (Οrganisation: Université Paris 8 / TransCrit EA1569, LLCP EA4008 / École Universitaire de Recherche (EUR) ArTec / Musée français de la carte à jouer,
Congresse’s Scientific committees
(indicative list)
  • International Conference/UCO Bretagne-Sud Vannes-Arradon: Quelle idée de l’homme pour le pédagogue, 30 June – 2 July 2005.
  • Annual conferences of the Problema Network form 2006 up to  2017.
  • International Conference, The Pedagogue faith, 2-4 Juillet 2009, Catholic University of Ouest-Angers.
  • International Congress,  «Α solidão nos limiares da pessoa e da solidariedade: entre os laços e as fracturas sociais». III congresso da SOFELP – sociedade de filosofia da educação de língua portuguesa,  Porto, 18 – 20 May 2011.
  • Scientific TwoDay Conference: «The crisis of Democracy as crisis of the democratic Education», Αlexandroupolis, 8 & 9 Νοvember 2013 / Democritean University of Thrace  – School of Sciences of Education, Department of Sciences of Education in Preschool Age.
  • 4th International Conference on Critical Education: “Critical Education in the Era of Crisis”, 23-26 Juin 2014, School of Primary Education, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki/ ICCE  
  • International Colloquium, Université et éthique professionnelle : enjeux actuels, University of ORAN 2 Mohamed Ben Ahmed & Thematic Agence of Research in Sciences of Health, ATRSS with the collaboration of the Center of Research in Social & Cultural Anthropology – CRASC, 15 et 16 November 2015.
  • 2nd Symposium of Preschool Education,  Transformational Pedagogy & Learning in Childhood, Pedagogical Department of Preschool Education, 15-17 Μay 2015, Ιoannina
  • International Colloquium, Sortir de la confusion des savoirs et des valeurs par la différenciation des domaines du symbolique et des textes ; enjeux pour l’enseignement, l’éducation, et la formation, 19, 20, 21 May 2016 – ESPE of Academy of Rouen», University of Rouen.
  • Interdisciplinary Conference, Child & Information: Researches & Approaches of History, Law-Deontology, Civilization, with the collaboration of: the Research Group of the Ionion University  «Information : History, Regulation, Civilazation» (IHRC), the Laboratory of Technologies of Information,  Documentation of Historical & Cultural Heritage,  the Department of Archiving, Librarianship & Museology of the School of the Science of Information & Informatics of the Ionian University,  28, 29 Αpril 2017, Corfu.
  • International Conference on Education and New Developments, END 2015, World Institute for Advanced Research and Science (WIARS), Portugal 27-29 June, Porto, Portugal,  []
  • International Conference, «Quel(s) curriculum(a) pour les Objectifs du Développement Durable ?Dialogues Nord/Sud pour penser l’éducation de l’anthropocène», 5 & 6 April, Montpellier 2018
  • Discourse, Power & Resistance (DRP), Education and the Striving for Dignity, 10-12 May 2018, University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal,
  • 1st edition of the Ιnternational Conference International Perspectives in Education, University of Derby, UK on 12-13 October 2018,
  • 1st Panhellenic Congress of Academic Pedagogy:  Teaching & Learning in Higher Education, Alexandroupolis, 12-13 Αpril 2019
  • International Congress, Tourism in Islands in the XXI Century: Dynamics and Challenges, ISCET & Universidad European Canarias, November 2019,
  • International conference of philosophy. Thinking the Commune, Paris, 8-10 September 2021,
  • International Conference. La philosophie au cœur de l’éducation, June 5, 2023, Νantes. Organization: University of Nantes and the Unesco Chair «Pratiques de la philosophie avec les enfants: une base éducative pour le dialogue interculturel et la transformation sociale»,
  • Member of the Scientific Committee of the ATEE Spring Conference 2024, Bergamo, May 29th – June 1st, 2024.
  • Member of the Scientific Committee of the Fourth ERUA Annual Summit 2024: Social Innovations for Transformative Society, Mykolas Romeris University, Vilnius, Lithuania, 25-27 June 2024.


[indicative list]
  • 1987. «The case of Aeschylus in the hegelian mecanisms: historical reference, example or relevant mecanism?», Parnassos, Αthens, t. ΚΟ’ (in Greek).
  • 1989. «The weaving in Montaigne. The human presence as history of the meaning » Parnassos, Αthènes, t. LA’ (in Greek).
  • 1992. «The philosophical mode or the philosophical turn of the Aeschyian tragedy», Parnassos, Αthènes, t. LD’ (in Greek).
  • 1992. translation & notes in Greek of : Genette, G., Marin, L., Mathieu–Colas, M., The limits of the Narration, Athens : Kardamitsa (p. 104).
  • 1992. «La vie et la mort», Société Poitevine de Philosophie. Proceedings of XXIVe International Congress of Philosophy of French Language, 27-30 August, A. S. P. L. F., Poitiers, pp. 259-262.
  • 1993. Translation & notes in Greek of: Greisch, J., Les métaphores de la Lecture. Questions de Méthode, Athens: Kardamitsa (p.128).
  • 1993. Kaila, M. & Theodoropoulou-Kalogirou. E., «The humanism of education and upbringing», Preschool Education 6/93, pp. 3-6 (in Bulgarian).
  • 1993-4. «Platο and Aeschylus: the interior relevance as research of the principle ? The mimesis», Philosophie, Yearbook of the Center of Research of Greek Philosophy (Academy of Athens), Νο 23-4, p.114 (in Greek).
  • 1994. Kaila, M. & Theodoropoulou-Kalogirou, E., «The democratization of education», Tribune of Social Sciences, Νο 15, December, pp. 101-124 (in Greek).
  • 1994. «The case of individuals with special problems: a new challenge for the philosophical discourse and the philosophers”, Proceedings of the Congress for the individuals with special needs 8-10 May), Athens : Ellinika Grammata, t. Ιer, pp. 59-65 (in Greek).
  • 1994. Theodoropoulou, E. & Kaila, M., «L’idée européenne et l’éducation», Pédagogie, Νο 6, pp. 62-7 (in Bulgarian).
  • 1994. Kaila, M. & Theodoropoulou, E., «The game seen through the experience of the preschool education in Greece», Education Préscolaire, Νο 7 -8, pp. 61-3 (in Bulgarian).
  • 1994. Kaila, M. & Theodoropoulou-Kalogirou., Η., «La médiation ambigüe du pourtant nécessaire éducateur. Le cas de 1’école maternelle en Grèce», Perspectives, Νο 26, November, pp. 7-18.
  • 1994. Kaila, M. & Theodoropoulou-Kalogirou., E., «European Idea and Education: Prevention of the postulated and the labyrinth», Proceedings of the European Educational Conference (Athens 1993), Foundation of Research Schools Lambrakis & Costeas-Geitonas l, pp. 281-303 (in Greek).
  • 1995. Kaila, M. & Theodoropoulou-Kalogirou, Ε., «L’idée européenne: Un défi pour l’éducation et les éducateurs de l’Europe», Cibles, No 32, pp. 18-22.
  • 1995. Kaila, M. & Theodoropoulou-Kalogirou, Ε., «An exemplary schema of activities of development in the preschool classroom», in : Fourez G. (coord. H. Matsaggouras), The evolution of Didactics, Epistemological Approach, Athens : ed. Gutenberg, pp. 393-406 (in Greek)
  • 1995. Transl. in Greek in collab. with M. Kaila, of : Fourez, G., «L’enseignement de la Techno-Science: importance, principes et présuppositions», in : Fourez G. (coord. H. Matsaggouras), The evolution of Didactics, Epistemological Approach, Athens : ed. Gutenberg, pp. 533-548 (in Greek)
  • 1995. Kaila, M. & Theodoropoulou-Kalogirou, Ε., «L’intervention active de l’Université au développement global et durable de la région grecque de Dodécanèse: propositions et perspectives», Alliage, Automn-Winter, No 24-25.
  • 1997. Kaila, M. & Theodoropoulou, E., Τhe educator, Αthens: Ellinika Grammata. (p. 395) [in Greek]
  • 1998. Sens et Formation de Sens chez Eschyle, Lille, Villeneuve-d’Ascq: Presses Universitaires du Septentrion. (p. 721).
  • 1999. Theodoropoulou, E. & Fournier, J., «Perspectives universitaires et éducatives: pour un partenariat avec tous les acteurs sociaux. Une proposition greco-française», PRELUDE, No 37-39, pp. 89-9.
  • 1999. Theodoropoulou, E. & Kaila, M., Plutarque, Athens: Atrapos. (p. 151) [in Greek]
  • 1999. Theodoropoulou, E. & Kaila, M., «Τhe University of the Aegean: the example of a University-bridge and lever for Development», Letters from the Black Sea, Vol. 5-6, November, pp. 42-48.
  • 2000. John Chrysostome, Athens: Atrapos. (p. 180) [in Greek]
  • 2000. Aischylos, Athens: Atrapos. (pp. 150) [ in Greek]
  • 2000. «From Philosophy to Philosophy of Education and vice-versa: the rope stretched of the teaching», in: Proceedings 2nd Panhellenic Congress with International Participation of the Pedagogical Association of Greece, 1-4 Νοvember, Athens, pp. 303-312 [in Greek].
  • 2001. Transl. in Greek in collab. with Xanthakou, Y. of: Thill, G.,-Warrant, F., The University of the 21th cent., Athens: Atrapos (p. 320).
  • 2001. Transl. in Greek in collab. with Xanthakou, Y. of: Mialaret, G., Henri Wallon (with Introd. of Ardoino, J.) Athens: Atrapos (p. 330).
  • 2001. Transl.& notes in Greek of: Vieillard-Baron, J.,-L., Henri Bergson, Athens: Atrapos (p. 299).
  • 2001. Theodoropoulou, E. & Kaila, M., «Difficulties, incompatibilities, antinomies: the philosophy of mondialisation in education and vice versa», in: Proceedings of the International Congress of the Pedagogical Association of Greece «Greek Education and et Mondialisation (s. [in Greek]
  • 2001. Theodoropoulou, E., Tadlidil, R., Fokiali, P. & Kaila, M. «Universities, Networks and Academic cooperation (Trends and perspectives)», in: Ege Academic Review/Ege Akademik Bakis, December, pp.1-10.
  • 2002. «Teaching Philosophy to Children», Proceedings of the 3rd Panhellenic Congress with International Participation of the Pedagocical Association of Greece “Greek Pedagogical and Educational Research” 7-9 Novembre, Athens (v. [in Greek]
  • 2002. «The critical role of the University of the Aegean and the values supporting its activity», PRELUDE, No 40, pp. 91-98.
  • 2002. Theodoropoulou, E. & Xanthakou, Y., «The myth of the glance – the ambivalent monstruosity and ruse or «How to look at the head of the Medusa», in: Intercultural approach of Myths, Mathematics and learning disabilities in the Information Society, University of the Aegean, Interreg II, Rhodes, pp. 155-165.
  • 2002. «The ethics of education: the melancholy of the ambivalence and the asymptote desire», in: N. Polemikos, Kaila M., Kalavassis Fr. (dir.), Educational, Family and Political Psychopathology, coll. Educational Family and Political Psychopathology, Tom. III, Athens, Atrapos, pp. 525-537 (in Greek).
  • 2002. Theodoropoulou, E. & Kaila, M., «The case of the University: the explosion of the identity and its psychopathology», in: N. Polemikos, Kaila M., Kalavassis Fr. (dir.), coll. Educational Family and Political Psychopathology, Tom. IV, Athens, Atrapos, pp. 64-105 (in Greek).
  • 2002. Theodoropoulou, E. & Kaila, M., «The rights of the children: the pedagogical as politics and the et la pathology of the apparent», in: N. Polemikos, Kaila M., Kalavassis Fr. (dir.), coll. Educational Family and Political Psychopathology, Tom. IV, Athens, Atrapos, pp. 209-224 [in Greek).
  • 2002. Theodoropoulou, E. & Kaila, M., «Les relations entre l’homme et l’animal: représentation ou réalité?», Duchêne, J., Beaufays, J.,-P., Ravez, L., (eds), Entre l’homme et l’animal. Une nouvelle alliance?, Belgium, Presses Universitaires de Namur, pp. 149-159.
  • 2002. Theodoropoulou, E., Fokiali, P. & Kaila, M., «The Major-shift in higher Education. From Institution-centric Education to student-centric Education, Students as Creators and propagators of University Culture», dans: BSUN, 2nd Congress, Quality Assurance in Higher Education, Baku, Αzerbaijan, 11 September in: Letters from the Black Sea, Special Issue, pp. 47-50.
  • 2003. «Einführung», in: Fokiali, P., Τriarchi-Hermann, B, Μ., Κaila, M. (dir.), Beiträge zur Lehrerfort und Weiterbildung, Section D, «Spezielle Themen der Lehrerfortbildung: Neue Schwerpunkte? Neue Perspektiven? Neue Anwendungen?», Dillingen Akademie wwwMünchen Agäis Universität, Rhodes, pp. 305-319 & 789-796.
  • 2003. «The reading of texts: design for the construction of a philosophical paradigme», in: Sciences of Education, University of Creta, vol.4/ Philosophy of Education and Educational Practice, pp. 107-127 (in Greek).
  • 2003. Theodoropoulou, E., Govaris, Chr. & Kaila, M., «Zwischen Akzeptanz und Kritik – Das Globalosierungsmodell und die Rechte der Universität», in: Fokiali, P., Triarchi-Hermann, V., Kaila, M. (dir.), Beiträge zur Lehrerfort und Weiterbildung, Dillingen Akademie, München, Agäis Universität, Rhodes, éd. Trilingue, Athens, pp. 371-383.
  • 2003. Theodoropoulou, E., Fokiali, P. & Xanthakou, G., «Women as members of the academic hierarchy in Greek Universities: low representation for high posts», in: Fokiali, P., Triarchi-Hermann, V., Kaila, M., (dir.) Issues on Teachers’ in-service training and further Education, Dillingen Akademie, München, Agäis Universität, Rhodes, éd. Trilingue, Athens, pp. 858-872.
  • 2003-4. «/ Ι (other) … / subject (object)… suspended and irreducible pedagogical integration (?)», Pedagogical Logos, Tom. IX, vol. 1, pp. 105-123 [in Greek]
  • 2004. «La sortie de l’univers d’Aladin», in: Drouin-Hans, A.-M., (dir.), La philosophie saisie par l’éducation, Proceedings of the colloquium, 18 – 19 Decembre, Tom. 1, Rêver l’égalité, penser la culture, Scérén, CRDP Bourgogne, pp. 129-145.
  • 2004. Greek-Turkish Approaches (series : «Texts of Education», dir., Κaila, Μ., Berger, G., Théodoropoulou, H.), Tom II. Tatlidil, E., Theodoropoulou, E (dir.), Redefining the female identity (transl. Théodoropoulou,H., Fokiali, P.), coll. Bilingual, Αthens: Αtrapos
  • 2004. «Masculin, Philosophical Speech and the Woman ‘’deep in his viscera’’», in: Tatlidil, E., Theodoropoulou, E (dir.), Greek-Turkish Approaches: redefining the female identity, coll. bilingue (dir.), Αthens, Αtrapos, pp. 307-318.
  • 2004. Theodoropoulou, E., Fokiali, P., Tatlidil, R. & Xanthakou, Y., «Low Representation of Women in the Academic Profession: the Case of Greece and Turkey», in: Κaila M., Berger G,m Theodoropoulou, E (dir.), Greek-Turkish Approaches: revealing women’s socio-economic role, Athens: Atrapos, pp. 417-438.
  • 2004. «Le corps eschyléen tragique: une concrétion difficile», Le Télémaque, «Les lieux du corps», No 25, Presses Universitaires de Caen, pp. 31-4.
  • 2004. «The children-bolides, the Philosophy (of Education) and the ‘’good conscience’’», International Conference, 25-29 March, Philosophy with Children: Encouraging Philosophical thinking, Gräz/Austria, in: Camhy, D.G., Born, R., (eds), Encouraging Philosophical Thinking, Proceedings of the International Conference on Philosophy for Children, Germany, Academia Verlag, Sankt Augustin, conceptus-studien band 17, pp. 23-33.
  • 2005. The notch of Philosophy of Education: Introduction, Athens: Atrapos. (p. 331) [in Greek].
  • 2005. Theodoropoulou, E., Kaila, M., Dimitriou, D. & Xanthakou, Y.,  Environnemental Education. Research data & educational planification, Athens: Atrapos.(In Greek).
  • 2005. Greek transl. of : Hess, R., «La construction philosophique du moment interculturel. D’une conscience du social à une éducation de la personne», in: Proceedings of the XIth International Congress of the Greek Pedagogical Association, 21-23 October The School in the society of information and multiculturality, Thessaloniki: Kiriakidi.
  • 2005. «Environmental Ethics: a crossroad on a crossroad», in: Environmental Education. Research data & educational planification (coord. in collab. with , Kaila, M., Dimitriou D., Xanthakou Y.), Athens, Atrapos, pp. 267-285. [in Greek]
  • 2005. Theodoropoulou, E. & Anastasatos, N., «Environnemental Ethics through an Environmental Education Programme for the ecologization of mathematics in the Primary Education», in: Proceedings of the 1rst Congress of School Programmes of the Environmental Education, Corinthe, 23-25 September (in Greek).
  • 2005. Theodoropoulou, E., Vincent, H., et. al., «The difficult intercultural as a start of elaboration intercultural intentions», in : Proceedings of XIth International Congress of the Greek Pedagogical Association, 21-23 October, The School in the society of information and multiculturality, Thessaloniki, ed. Kiriakidi, pp. 649-657 [in Greek].
  • 2006. «La Philosophie de l’Education: la ‘’conscience malheureuse’’, le visage de Janus et les mouvements», Itinerάrios de Filosofia da Educaçao, No 3, t. I, Ediçoes Afrontamento, pp. 181-199.
  • 2006. «Philosophy of Education: a philosophical observation post?», workshop in: Proceedings of the10th INPE Biennial Conference, Philosophical Perspectives on Educational Practice in the 21th Century, 3-6 August, University of Malta, p. 315.
  • 2006. Greek transl. of: Hess, R., «La pratique du journal, comme construction du moment interculturel», Courants Pédagogiques en Egée, vol. 2, 80-82, November, Rhodes.
  • 2006. «Environnemental Education and Education for democracy : questions of formation conscience», in: Proceedings of the 1rst Congress, School Programs of Environnemental Education, 15-17 December, Αthens, [in Greek].
  • 2006. «Qui pense le mieux? Philosophie: le fantôme dans la machine», Childhood & Philosophy, Vol.2, No.3, jan./jul. 2006, pp. 91-114, (in Greek)
  • 2007. «The Philosopher and the athlete: a history for the intercultural», in: Govaris, Chr., Theodoropoulou, H., Kodakos, T. (dir.) The pedagogical challenge of the multiculturality. Questions of theory and praxis of Intercultural Pedagogy, Athens, Atrapos (p. 270) [in Greek]
  • 2007. Dir., transl. in Greek, introd. notes to : Ann Margaret Sharp, Laurence Joseph Splitter, «Philosophy for Children». The Doll Hospital. Giving sense to my world. A programme for the child and the teacher of Preschool Education, Atrapos: Athens. (1rst ed.), Diadrassi : Athens (2nd ed.) [p. 21]).
  • 2007. «’’Philosophy for children’’: Spaces and modes for Philosophy», introduction to: Ann Margaret Sharp, Laurence Joseph Splitter, «Philosophy for Children». The Doll Hospital. Giving sense to my world. A programme for the child and the teacher of Preschool Education (dir., trad, introd. notes, Theodoropoulou, H.,), Atrapos: Athens. [in Greek]
  • 2007. «Pathei- Mathos», entry in: Carvalho, A., D., de (coord.), Dicionάrio temάtico de Filosofia da Educacâo, Portugal, Porto Editora, pp. 264-270.
  • 2007. «Philosophy of Education», «Existential Pedagogy», entry in: Xochellis, P., (coord.) Dictionnary of Pedagogy, Thessaloniki: Afon Kiriakidi, pp. 702-5/523-526. [in Greek]
  • 2007. Theodoropoulou, E., Voukanou, M., «The Human Rights as a fold of the European dimension in the Integrated Unified Curriculum: the case of manuals for the courses of Religion in Primary School», in: Kapsalis G., Katsikis Ap. (coord.) Proceedings of the Congress: The primary education and the challenges of our age, University of Ioannina, pp. 677-686. [in Greek]
  • 2007. Greek transl. of : Gergheva-Nestorova, G.,- Tultukova, R., «Community of inquiry and development of the communication competences of tolerance», in: Govaris Chr., Theodoropoulou, H., Kodakos, T. (dir.): The educational challenge of the multicultural. Questions of theory and praxis for the Intercultural Pedagogy, Athens: Atrapos, pp. 181-9.
  • 2007. Greek transl. of : Drouin-Hans, A.-M., «Traduction, un modèle hermeneutique pour l’interculturel» in: Govaris Chr., Theodoropoulou, H., Kodakos, T. (dir.):, The educational challenge of the multicultural. Questions of theory and praxis for the Intercultural Pedagogy, Athens: Atrapos, pp. 67-80.
  • 2007. «Education sur le dos de la philosophie», Childhood & Philosophy, Vol. 3, No 5, (2007), Jan./June, pp.123-145,
  • 2008. «Antinomie, problématisation et philosophie de l’éducation», Recherches en éducation, n° 6 [].
  • 2008. «La philosophie de l’éducation en problématisation, la contradiction résistante et la congruence difficile», Itinerarios de Filosofia da Educaçâo, No 7, 41-67.
  • 2008. « Philosophy, children and Philosophy of Education», Courants pédagogiques en Egée, vol. 3, Rhodes-Université d’Egée [in Greek]
  • 2008. «Deuxièmes rencontres de la Sofphied», Journée d’Etude «Philosophies d’éducation aux Etats-Unis»: Intervention: L’éducation aux émotions et la philosophie de l’éducation (
  • 2008. «Les miettes de relativisme: de la philosophie dans l’éducation», in: Drouin-Hans, A.-M., (rassembl. et présent. des textes), Relativisme et Education, Paris, L’Harmattan, pp. 67-79.
  • 2009. Théodoropoulou, H., Kaila, M., Bonnet, M., Larrère, C. (coord.) Enivronmental Ethics: from research and theory to practice, Athens: Atrapos, pp. 183-216 (in Greek).
  • 2009. Greek transl. of: Bonnett, M., «Environmental Education and the issue of nature», in: Theodoropoulou, H., Kaila, M., Larrère, Ch., Bonnett, M., (dir.) Enivronmental Ethics: from research and theory to application, Athens: Atrapos /Diadrassi, pp.139-159.
  • 2009. Greek transl. of: Sharp, A., «The postmodedrn child», in: Theodoropoulou, H., Kaila, M., Larrère, Ch., Bonnett, M., (dir.) Enivronmental Ethics: from research and theory to application, Athens: Atrapos /Diadrassi, pp. 216-225.
  • 2009. Greek transl. of: Bonnett, M., «Environmental Education and the issue of nature», in: Theodoropoulou, H., Kaila, M., Larrère, Ch., Bonnett, M., (dir.) Enivronmental Ethics: from research and theory to application, Athens: Atrapos/Diadrassi, ppp.139-159.
  • 2009. Greek transl. of: Larrère, Ch., «Respect ou responsabilité? Quelle éthique pour l’environnement?», in : Theodoropoulou, H., Kaila, M., Larrère, Ch., Bonnett, M., (dir.) Enivronmental Ethics: from research and theory to application, Athens: Atrapos /Diadrassi, p pp. 41-68.
  • 2009. «In the laboratory of environmental ethics : philosophy, the notion of care and values education», in: Theodoropoulou, H., Kaila, M., Larrère, C., Bonnett, M., (dir.) Enivronmental Ethics: from research and theory to application, Athens: Atrapos , pp. 183-216 [in Greek]
  • 2009. Theodoropoulou, E. & Togia, K., «Environmental ethics and the course of Religion: about moral education», in : Theodoropoulou, H., Kaila, M., Larrère, Ch., Bonnett, M., (dir.) Enivronmental Ethics: from research and theory to application, Athens: Atrapos, pp. 225-241 [in Greek]
  • 2009. Theodoropoulou, E., Vavitsa, T. & Iosifidis, Th.,«Anthropocentric-ecocentric concepts: how much of environmental ethics behind the education for the environment», in: Theodoropoulou, H., Kaila, M., Larrère, C., Bonnett, M., (dir.) Enivronmental Ethics: from research and theory to application, Athens: pp. 299-325 [in Greek]
  • 2009. «The reflexive demand, the requirement of democracy and the philosophy of education», in: Kodakos, A., Kalavassis, Fr., Change and Governance of educational systems, Athens, Atrapos, pp. 381-408 (in Greek).
  • 2009. «En búsqueda de la filosofía en la literatura: complicaciones pedagógicas», in: Zambrano, Leal, A., (compil.), Literature y Formaciόn, Ediciôn educaciôn superior, Programa de Maestria en Educaciôn Superior/ USC – Universidad Santiago de Cali.
  • 2009. «Travesίas para la Filosofia de la Educaciόn: de l’Espacio i de la Interculturalidad» / «Traversées pour la philosophie de l’éducation: de l’espace et de l’interculturalité», in: Revista Colombiana de Educacion Superior, Historia de la Educaciόn Superior, Maestria en Educaciόn Superior, Universidad Santiago de Cali, Colombia, Julio-Diciembre, pp. 162-184, http:/
  • 2009. Theodoropoulou, E. & Carvalho, A., D., «Quelle foi dans une pédagogie de l’éducation spécialisée? Le cas de la solitude intraitable», paper presented: International Francophone Colloquium, La foi du Pédagogue, 2-4 July, Université Catholique de l’Ouest-Angers.
  • 2009. Theodoropoulou, E. & Voukanou, M., «The appearence and discussion of questions of values in the Integrated Unified Curriculum: the case of the Study of Environment», in: Bagakis G., Demertzi K. (coord.) A year of application of new curricula, pp. 241-51 [in Greek]
  • 2009. «The blurred image of philosophy of education», paper presented to Conference with International participation, Philosophy, philosophy are you there? Doing philosophy with children, under the auspices of the Greek committee of UNESCO, Department of Preschool Education Sciences and Educational Design, University of the Aegean, Rhodes, 28 November 2008 (in: Proceedings of the Conference– Multimedia CVitem 14: Dossier: Anakinosis/Archive: Anakinosis4, pp. 81-96 [in Greek]
  • 2009. «Informal Experiments», paper presented to Conference with International participation, Philosophy, philosophy are you there? Doing philosophy with children, under the auspices of the Greek committee of UNESCO, Department of Preschool Education Sciences and Educational Design, University of the Aegean, Rhodes, 28 Novembre 2008 (in the Proceedings of the Conference, & item 14: Αρχείo: Dossierς: Anakinosis/Αrchive: Anakinosis4, pp. 97-103 [in Greek]
  • 2009. Carvalho, A., D. & Theodoropoulou, E., «La ‘’voie exodique’’ comme une voie de problématisation et les dilemmes moraux comme outils de formation», in: Percursos & Ideias, Revista Científica do ISCET, pp. 207-217.
  • 2010. Philosophy of Education: Discourses, Ways, Paths (coord., transl. in Greek, introd.), Athens: Pedio [in Greek]
  • 2010. Polemikos N., Kaila M., Theodoropoulou, E. Stroggylos , V. (dir.) Εducation of children with special needs. A polyprismatic approach, Αthens: Pedio (p. 423)
  • 2010. Theodoropoulou, E. & Theodoridis, A., «Le cercle de craie: la formation des enseignants en Grèce», Revue Internationale d’Education, Sèvres, No 55, 119-129.
  • 2010. «Une philosophie de l’éducation comme ‘théorie pratique’ et l’espace comme seuil», in: Argumentos de Razόn Técnica, Revista espanola de Ciencia, Tecnologia y Sociedad, y Filosofia de la Tecnologia, Sevilla, 179-197.
  • 2010. Théodoropoulou, E. & Carvalho, A., D., «Education spécialisée, situations-limite et gestion du contradictoire», Percursos & Ideas, Revista Científica do ISCET, No2, 21-7.
  • 2010. «Philosophy, Philosophy for Children, and Educational Aims: Affinities, Parallelisms and Exclusions», dans: Marsal, E., Dobashi, T. Weber B. (Hrsg.) Children Philosophize Worldwide: Theoretical and Practical Concepts, Hodos – Wege bildungsbezogener Ethikforschung in Philosophie und Theologie herausgegeben vom Institut für Philosophie und Theologie, University of Education, Karlsruhe, Germany, Band 9, pp. 559-565.
  • 2010. «Introduction: The spectrum of philosophy of education», in: Theodoropoulou, E., (coord., Greek transl., introd.), Philosophy of education: Discourses, Ways, Paths, Αthens: Pedio, pp. 19-78. [in Greek]
  • 2010. «The signification of tact for philosophy of education: a threshold», in: Theodoropoulou, E., (coord., Greek transl., introd.), Philosophy of education: Discourses, Ways, Paths, Αthens: Pedio, pp. 377-415. [in Greek]
  • 2010. «Notes from a philosophical laboratory for Kindergartners» / Theoretical Part [Greece]. in: Vocational Professionalization by Practicing Philosophy (with Children) / Lifelong Learning Program Leonardo da Vinci / VP3: E-booklet, pp. 42-60-75, [References and Bibliography], 1 25-130 (
  • 2010. Theodoropoulou, E. & Monioudi, M., «Notes from a philosophical laboratory for Kindergartners» / Practical Part [Greece], in: E-booklet, Vocational Professionalization by Practicing Philosophy (with Children) / Lifelong Learning Program Leonardo da Vinci/ VP 3: E-booklet, p. 85-100 (
  • 2010. Theodoropoulou, E. & Voukanou, M., «The knowledge of European values: the case of courses of social studies inn Primary Education», in: Kanellaki S., Marinaki-Kassotaki Aik., et al. (coord.), Procedures of thinking in the school and environment, Athens: Pedio, pp. 289-320 (in Greek)
  • 2010. Theodoropoulou, E. & Carvalho, A., D., «Pédagogie spécialisée, situations-limites et gestion du problématique. Le cas de la solitude intraitable», in: Fabre, M., Carvalho, A., D., Lhoste, Y., (eds.), Expérience et problématisation en éducation, aspects philosophiques, sociologiques et didactiques, Porto, Afrontamento, pp. 19-41.
  • 2011. «Τhe philosophical cost at the dialogical current in education» in: Tzavaras, J. (éd.). From the monologue of the teacher to the dialogue of the group. Philosophical thinking and research in the primary school classroom, Conference Proceedings. University of Creta/Rethymnon, in: «Greek Philosophical Bibliography»/ Philosophical Publications 2011 []. [in Greek]
  • 2011. «About an intermediary area between Literature and Philosophy, through an intercultural gaze», in: Camhy, G., D., (ed.), Proceedings of the International Conference Philosophy of Interculturality, Under the auspices of the Austrian Commission for UNESCO. Germany: Academia Verlag.
  • 2011. «Metaphors of the body», in: Papadopoulos, J., Grammatas, Th., (eds.). Tragic and Tragedy in the era of Globalization, Athens: Diadrassi, pp. 160-185 [in Greek]
  • 2012. «Dialogical pretention in education and the philosophical harshness», Dia-logos, Journal of Philosophical Research, Athens, Ed. Papazissi. vol.2, pp. 241-278 [in Greek]
  • 2012. «Celia Copplestone or how (do not) walk out of solitude», in: A. Carvalho, A., D., (org.) Solidao nos liminares de pessoa e da solidariedade, Edicoes Afrontamento, chap. 8, pp. 77-91.
  • 2013. (coord., Greek transl. introd.), Philosophy, philosophy, are you there? Doing philosophy with children, Athens: Diadrasi, series Philosophy and Child, dir., Theodoropoulou, E., Gregory, M.,). (p. 367) [in Greek]
  • 2013. «Traversées de Philosophie de l’Education / Traversias de la filosofia de la educacion», in: Ζambrano, A.,Leal, Meirieu, Ph., Théodoropoulou, E., Mutuale, Aug., Schaepelynk, V., Filosofia de la educaciόn y pedagogίa, Argentina: Editorial Brujas, pp. 67-76.
  • 2013. «Problematization: a prelude to a reflexive imperative», in: Κodakos, A., & Kalavassis, F., (coord.), Questions of Educational Design – 5. Management of Crises and Governance of Educational Institutions, Master Program «Models of Design and Development of Educational Institutions », University of the Aegean. Athens: Diadrassi, pp. 47-79 (in Greek)
  • 2013. «La pratique du journal à partir d’un cours de philosophie de l’éducation en ligne: un amorçage méthodologique», in: Pratiques de Formation / Analyses [Le journal pédagogique: outil de conscientisation de l’expérience], N°62-63, Novembre, pp. 211-229.
  • 2013. «The emergence of gender in philosophy for children: calls and deviations» in: Anagnostopoulou, D., (coord.) Feminin & Masculin Representations in literature for children and young people, Athens: Editions Kyriakos Papadopoulos Α.Ε, pp. 313-325 [in Greek]
  • 2013. «Philosophy of education: ways of presence and absence – from congruence to common sense and back», in: Pereira, P.-Ch., (coord.) L’espace public. Variations critiques sur l’urbanité / Espaço publico. Variaçοes crίtic as sobre a urbanidade. Porto, Ediçoes Afrontamento/ FCT. pp .67-93.
  • 2013. «Dos à dos avec l’abstraction. Pour une philosophie pratique micrologique», Revista Itinenάrios de Filosofia da Educaçao, N.º 12· 2013, Ediçoes Afrontamento/ FCT pp. 17-35.
  • 2013. «With the head of Medusa in the satchel or the pea under the mattress», Introduction in: Theodoropoulou, H., (coord., Greel transl., introd.), Philosophy, philosophy, are you there? Doing philosophy with children, Athens: Editions Diadrasi. Series Philosophy & Child (dir. Theodoropoulou, E., Gregory, M.,), pp. 19-53.[in Greek]
  • 2013. «Something in the world obliges us to think», in: Theodoropoulou, H., (coord., Greek transl. introd.), Philosophy, philosophy, are you there? Doing philosophy with children, Athens: Editions Diadrasi. Series Philosophy & Child (dir. Theodoropoulou, E., Gregory, M.,) pp. 333-345 [in Greek]
  • 2013. «De l’empathie et du care: tracer in lieu de pratique», in: Skepsis, XXIII, p. 357-371
  • 2013. «Τhe suspension, the plunge and the flight– Prologue», in: Κodakos, A., & Kalavassis, F. (coord.), Questions of Educational Design – 5. Management of Crises and Governance of Educational Institutions, Master Program «Models of Design and Development of Educational Institutions », University of the Aegean, Athens: Diadrassi, pp. 17-23 [in Greek].
  • 2013. Images of Women. Extracts of a conversation (dir.), (ebook/coll.), Rhodes: Department of Preschool Education Design, University of the Aegean, ISBN 978-618-81027-1-2 ( [in Greek].
  • 2013. «What a philosopher seeks at the slums of Trivadrum? Within the crack of a paradox» in: Theodoropoulou, E. (dir.), Images of Women. Extracts of a conversation (ebook/coll.), Department of Preschool Education Design, University of the Aegean, Rhodes: ISBN 978-618-81027-1-2 (, pp. 37-55 [in Greek].
  • 2013. «Prologue: Women-speaking-about women. The starting of a puzzle» in: Theodoropoulou, E. (dir.), Images of Women. Extracts of a conversation (ebook/coll.), Rhodes: Department of Preschool Education Design, University of the Aegean, ISBN 978-618-81027-1-2 (, pp. 4-8 [in Greek].
  • 2014. (coord., Greek transl. introd.), Philosophy of Education: Aspects of praxis, Athens: Pedio (p. 568) [in Greek]
  • 2014. «The problematization effect and its double gestures», in: Strand, T., Papastefanou, M., (eds). Philosophy of Education as a Lived Experience: Navigating Through Dichotomies of Thought and Action, Germany. Verlag, pp. 135-152.
  • 2014. Théodoropoulou, E., Carvalho, A., D., «De la problématisation à la dilemmatisation et vice versa: introduction à un cursus philosophique», in: Prairat, E., (coord.), L’éthique de l’enseignement. Εnjeux personnels, professionnels et institutionnels, Presses Universitaires de Nancy, pp. 113-130.
  • 2014. Theodoropoulou, E. & Monioudi, M., Tracking the concept of critical thinking in the New Curriculum of Primary Education: the hidden entrance of philosophy», in: Theodoropoulou, E., Kaila, M., Polemikos, N., Papadopoulos, I., Kafoussi, S., Fokiali, P. (coord.), Research in Sciences of Education: doctorale research in the “Department of Preschool Education Design, University of the Aegean”. Conference Proceedings, Rhodes: Department of Preschool Education Design, University of the Aegean, ISBN 978-618-81027-2-9 (, pp. 68-100 [in Greek]
  • 2014. «Philosophical thinking and the tissu of personhood», in: Personnalism in the Modern World, Nicosia: ΟPΑ, pp. 24-44 [in Greek]
  • 2014. «I would prefer not to» (;)praxis, when it deepen abruptly”. Introduction, in: Theodoropoulou, E., (coord. Introd. gr. transl.), Philosophy of Education: Aspects of praxis, Athens: Pedio, pp. 21-67 [in Greek]
  • 2014. Theodoropoulou, E. & Carvalho, A., D., «Dilemmatization: a philosophical entry for professional ethics», in: Theodoropoulou, E., (coord. Introd. Greek transl.), Philosophy of Education: Aspects of praxis, Athens: Pedio, pp. 453-482 [in Greek]
  • 2014. «‘’Imagination morte imaginez’’ … the paradox of an invocation to education», in: Sarafidou, Κ., (coord.), Proceedings of the 5th Panhellenic Congress of the Society of Sciences of Education of Drama, Creativity in Education, Drama, 28 & 29 November, pp. 181-200 [in Greek]
  • 2015. Theodoropoulou, E. & Carvalho, A., D., «Coups d’ambivalence: quelles résistances pour une éthique professionnelle en éducation?», in: Kassimati, K., & Argyriou, M., (coord.) (2014). International and European tendencies in Education: their influences on the educational Greek System (Τome Β), Αthènes: ΑSPΑΙΤΕ – ΕΕΜΑPΕ (ISBN SET: 978-618-81528-2-3, tom. Β: 978-618-81528-4-7, e book: 978-618-81528-7-8), pp. 16-24.
  • 2015. «…’’Words…words… words…’’. Efforts of values and problematiwing environmental ethics», in: Theodoropoulou, E., Fokiali, P., et. al., Environnemental Education and Sustainable Development: Texts for thinking through innovative approaches, Athens: Diadrassi, pp.359-387 (in Greek)
  • 2016. Theodoropoulou, E. & Carvalho, A., D., «La limite et le seuil: de la dilemmatisation comme défi pour la formation éthique en éducation», in: Gohier, C., et Jutras, F., (dir.), Les Dossiers du GREE Série 3. No 2. Questions d’éthique et de formation en éducation et en santé: transversalités et spécificités, pp. 64-79.
  • 2016. Quintin, J., Jasmin, E. & Theodoropoulou, E., «La cyberintimidation chez les jeunes mieux comprendre pour mieux intervenir à l’école», Service social, vol. 61, n° 2, 2016, pp. 1-23.
  • 2016. «Entre théorie et pratique, la place du Tact: notes pour une formation de soi-même», Le Télémaque, Νο 49, Presses Universitaires de Caen, pp. 99-110.
  • 2017. Theodoropoulou, E. & Nikolidaki, S., «The emergence of emergent philosophizing: preliminary notes», Childhood & Philosophy, v. 13, n. 26, Jan.-Apr., pp. 153-1.
  • 2017. «Du bien-être ou «jeter l’échelle après y être monté?», in: Dupeyron, J.,-F., & Courty, B., (dir.), (2016), Le bien-être des écoliers, Bordeaux Presses Universitaires de Bordeaux, pp. 141-159.
  • 2018. «L’insularité: pour une expérience de lisière », ΚΛΗΣΙΣ/Klesis, Νο 35/2017, 17-26
  • 2018. Elena K. Theodoropoulou, Didier Moreau, Christiane Gohier (dir.), Ethics in Education Philosophical tracings and clearings, Rhodes: «Laboratory of Research in Practical & Applied Philosophy» (L.R.Ph.P.A.),
  • 2018. «In the sur-roundings of well-being and the ‘perspicacious view of the foundations of possible buildings’», in: Ethics in Education Philosophical tracings and clearings (dir. E. Theodoropoulou, D. Moreau, Chr. Gohier), Rhodes: «Laboratory of Research in Practical & Applied Philosophy» (L.R.Ph.P.A.), pp. 103-136 (in Greek)
  • 2018. Theodoropoulou, E. & Monioudi, M., «A remark about critical thinking: in relevance with Stoic oikeiôsis», in: K. Theodoropoulou E., Moreau D., Gohier Chr. (dir.), Ethics in Education Philosophical tracings and clearings (dir.), Rhodes: «Laboratory of Research in Practical & Applied Philosophy» (L.R.Ph.P.A.), pp. 235-25.
  • 2018. Epistrophe. Journal of Professional Ethics in Philosophy and in Education. Studies and Practices, volume 1, 2017-2018, //, ISSN: 1234-5678-9000 (Ed. E. Theodoropoulou & D. Moreau).
  • 2018. «Le relais de l’éthique professionnelle en éducation –pente glissante ou point d’appui? Pour la résistance d’une in-quiétude – l’apport philosophique», Epistrophe. Journal of Professional Ethics in Philosophy and in Education. Studies and Practices, vol. 1, 2017-2018, pp. 13-43, //, ISSN: 1234-5678-9000.
  • 2018. ‘Some-thing inside it»: Philosophy everywhere (?). Philosophical findings in literature paths», Diotime, Revue Internationale de didactique de la philosophie, n° 77 (juillet 2018).
  • 2019. Theodoropoulou, E. & Argyriou, M. (dir.), Connecting didactics, skills and attitudes towards educational practice through Arts, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference EduDidactics 2015, Greek Association of Teachers of Primary Musical Education & “Laboratory of Research in practical and Applied Philosophy” /L.R.P.A.Ph, University of the Aegean, Vol. 1 ISBN: 978-618-80405-9-5, Vol.2, ISBN : 978-618-82283-0-6 [in Greek].
  • 2019. «‘Something in it »: note on philosophical findings in literature spaces», in: Theodoropoulou, E., Argyriou, M., (coord), Proceedings of the 6th International Congress EduDidactic Didactiques Educatives 2015. Connecting didactics, skills and attitudes towards educational practice through Arts, Tomes A-B. Αthens: Greek Association of Teachers of Primary Musical Education /AGEEMP & “Laboratory of Research in practical and Applied Philosophy” /L.R.P.A.Ph, University of the Aegean, ISBN: 978-618-80405-9-5/978-618-82283-0-6 [in Greek].
  • 2019-2024. Theodoropoulou, E. & Tsibidaki, A., EduTopia, 2019. Proceedings of the 1st Congress of Pre-graduate Students of the Pedagogical Departments of the School of Humanities, University of the Aegean (2016-2017) & 1st Panhellenic Congress of Pre-graduate Students of Pedagogical Departments (2017-2018), ISBN: 978-618-84330-0-7 [p. 882] [in Greek, for more information see here]. 2020. Proceedings of the 2nd Congress of Pre-graduate Students of the Pedagogical Departments of the School of Humanities, University of the Aegean (2018-2019), ISBN: 978-618-84330-1-4 [p. 319] [in Greek, for more information see here]. 2022. Proceedings of the 3rd Congress of Pre-graduate Students of the Pedagogical Departments of the School of Humanities, University of the Aegean (2021-2022), ISBN: 978-618-84330-9-0 [pp. 352] [in Greek, for more information see here]. 2023. Proceedings of the 2nd Panhellenic Congress of Pre-graduate Students of Pedagogical Departments– Hybrid (2022-2023), ISBN 978-618-5840-00-6 [p. 435] [in Greek, for more information see here]. 2024. Proceedings of the 3rd Panhellenic Congress of Pre-graduate Students of Pedagogical Departments– Hybrid (2023-2024), ISBN 978-618-5840-02-0 [p. 492] [in Greek, for more information see here].
  • 2019. Coordination of the Proceedings of the 1rst International Biennale of Practical Philosophy. Philosophy in praxis. The philosophical gesture: political, ethical, educational, artistic engagements (Rhodes, 27-29 April 2018)”, Rhodes: Ed. Laboratory of Research in Practical Philosophy (L.R.P.Ph.), University of the Aegean, ΙSBΝ: 978-618-81027-8-1 (p. 571).
  • 2019. «Foreward: the gesture of practical philosophy», in: Theodoropoulou E. (dir.) Proceedings of the 1rst International Biennale of Practical Philosophy. Philosophy in praxis. The philosophical gesture: political, ethical, educational, artistic engagements, Rhodes: Ed. Laboratory of Research in Practical Philosophy (L.R.P.Ph.), University of the Aegean pp. 34-50.
  • 2019. «En crevant la peau des choses»: les ‘objets philosophiques’. Prooimion à un projet” dans: Theodoropoulou E. (dir.) Proceedings of the 1rst International Biennale of Practical Philosophy. Philosophy in praxis. The philosophical gesture: political, ethical, educational, artistic engagements, Rhodes: Ed. Laboratory of Research in Practical Philosophy (L.R.P.Ph.), University of the Aegean pp. 530-567.
  • 2019. Epistrophe. Journal of Professional Ethics in Philosophy and in Education. Studies and Practices, volume 2, 2018-2019, //, ISSN: 1234-5678-9000 (Ed. E. Theodoropoulou & D. Moreau).
  • 2019. Edition of AMECHANON, International Journal of the Laboratory of Research in Practical Philosophy (L.R.P.Ph.), vol. 1, 2016—2018, ISSN: 2459-2846, //
  • 2019. Coord. of the dossier: «Thinking the body: philosophical approaches», in: Amechanon. International Journal of the Laboratory of Research in Practical Philosophy (L.R.P.Ph.), vol. I, 2016-2018, Rhodes: L.R.P.Ph., pp. 18-209.
  • 2019. «Photography in classroom : the process of discussion and the object of thinking» [en grec], in: AMECHANON, International Journal of the Laboratory of Research in Practical Philosophy (L.R.P.Ph.), vol. 1, 2016—2018, ISSN: 2459-2846, pp. 310-335 (in Greek)
  • 2019. «Tracing in the classroom: texts, discussions and philosophical fragments – the emergence of a research» in: AMECHANON, International Journal of the Laboratory of Research in Practical Philosophy (L.R.P.Ph.), vol. 1, 2016—2018 , ISSN: 2459-2846, pp. 342-367 [in Greek]
  • 2019. «The resistance of a difference – about dialogue», in: ΤΟ ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΟ ΒΛΕΜΜΑ – REVISTA DE ESTUDOS HELÊNICOS, N. 6 (2019) [in Greek],
  • 2020. «Présentation. De l’éthique en formation: le geste dialogique», Le Télémaque, n° 57 [Dossier, « Éducation morale et formation éthique »], Presses Universitaires de Caen, 2020, pp. 35-46.
  • 2020. « ‘Qui est là ?’* ou ‘donnez-moi un corps’ **. Du détail. Une remarque pour la formation éthique», Le Télémaque, n° 57 [Dossier « Éducation morale et formation éthique»], Presses Universitaires de Caen, 2020, pp. 119-132.
  • 2020. Edition de l’AMECHANON, International Journal of the Laboratory of Research in Practical Philosophy (L.R.P.Ph.), vol. ΙΙ, 2018-2020, ISSN: 2459-2846, //
  • 2020. «Le cinéma, la philosophie et le piège pédagogique: gestes et détails», AMECHANON. International Journal of the Laboratory of Research in Practical Philosophy (L.R.P.Ph.), vol. II, 2018-2020, Rhodes: Laboratory of Research in Practical Philosophy, pp. 36-62.
  • 2020. Theodoropoulou, E., Miqueu, Chr. (dir.), «Proceedings of the 1rst International Seminar of Phd Students, Thematics of research I, 2019-2020», in: AMECHANON. International Journal of the Laboratory of Research in Practical Philosophy, (L.R.P.Ph.), vol. II, 2018-2020, Rhodes: L.R.Ph.P., pp. 178-462.
  • 2020. Moreau, D., Théodoropoulou, E., «Errance ou exil, dérives et passages. L’éducation et la formation de soi comme traversées des frontières», in: Fabre, M., Husser, A.-C. (dir.), Education et frontières, Rouen: Presses Universitaires de Rouen et du Havre, pp. 191-203.
  • 2020. Epistrophe. International Journal of Professional Ethics in Philosophy and Education. Studies and Practices, volume 3, 2019-2020, //, ISSN: 1234-5678-9000 (Ed. E. Theodoropoulou & D. Moreau).
  • 2021. Ed. of the Proceedings of the 1rst International online Pre-Biennale of Practical Philosophy, 9-10 Mai 2020, Rhodes: L.R.P.Ph. (p. 571).
  • 2021. «Philosophical Objects»: meta-[reading] notes for a project: Μovements, Ob-Gestures, Tones», in: Theodoropoulou, E. (dir.), Proceedings of the 1rst International online Pre-Biennale of Practical Philosophy, 9-10 Mai 2020, Rhodes: L.R.P.Ph., pp. 259-296.
  • 2021. «Introduction: Faire de la Philosophie: quelques noeuds du pratique», in: Théodoropoulou, E. (dir.), Proceedings of the 1rst International online Pre-Biennale of Practical Philosophy, 9-10 Mai 2020, Rhodes: L.R.P.Ph., pp. 22-41.
  • 2021. «Philosophical remarks about educational materials: a threshold of thinking», Revista Portuguesa de Pedagogia, 55, pp. 1-17.
  • 2021. «Créativité», entry in: Kerlan, A., Kolly, B. (dir.), Dictionnaire de philosophie de l’éducation. Notions essentielles, Paris: ESF Sciences humaines, pp. 78-79.
  • 2021. Epistrophè. International Journal of Professional Ethics in Philosophy and Education. Studies and Practices, Laboratory of Research in Practical Philosophy (L.R.P.Ph.), vol. IV, 2020-2021, //, ISSN: 1234-5678-9000 (Editors: Théodoropoulou, Ε. & Moreau, D.).
  • 2021. Théodoropoulou, E. & Moreau, D., «Editors Preface», Epistrope. International Journal of Professional Ethics in Philosophy and Education. Studies and Practices, Laboratory of Research in Practical Philosophy (L.R.P.Ph.), vol. IV, 2020-2021, Rhodes: L.R.Ph.P., pp. 6-17.
  • 2022. «Doing Philosophy Virtually and the Amphibolic Body: Thoughts on the Margins of the Pandemic», Paragrana, vol. 30, no. 2, 2022, pp. 258-269,
  • 2022. «Philosophy for/with Children: an open case» Newsletter of educational reflexion and communication (Δελτίο Εκπαιδευτικού Προβληματισμού και Επικοινωνίας) (version électronique), Athens: School of Ι.Μ.Panagiotopoulou (for more information, see here:, last visit: 25/01/2022) [in Greek]
  • 2022. «The dialogical zeal and the crack of thinking », in: Argyriou, M., Kasimati, K. (dir.), Conception of Teaching, of Continuous Formation and Professional Formation in Speciql Education, vol B, pp. 35-50, A.S.PE.T.E., E.E.M.A.P.E., ISBN: 978-618-82283-5-1 [in Greek].
  • 2022. «The Illusions of dialogue: dialogical experience in the classroom», Ιntroduction in: A. A. Petrou & G. Hadjivassili (coord.), Thinking in Philosophy for Children: Dialogue and Perspectives, Athens: Diadrassi, pp. 55-67.
  • 2022. «Upstream and downstream of application. About ethical dilemma», in: M.G. Varvounis, G. Katsadoros, A.G. Kapaniaris (dir.), Men, genders, identities, cultures. Folkloric and gender approaches, Athens: Goni Editions, pp. 159-174 [in Greek]
  • 2022. « Le tragique comme méthode chez Eschyle. Pour une émergence du philosophique » Le Télémaque, No 61 [Dossier: Theater, education, liberty], University Press of Caen, pp. 69-82.
  • 2023. Epistrophè. International Journal of Professional Ethics in Philosophy and Education. Studies and Practices, Laboratory of Research in Practical Philosophy (L.R.P.Ph.), vol. V, 2021-2022, //, ISSN: 1234-5678-9000 (Editors: Théodoropoulou, Ε. & Moreau, D.).
  • 2023. Theodoropoulou, E. & Moreau, D., «Editors Preface», Epistrope. International Journal of Professional Ethics in Philosophy and Education. Studies and Practices, Laboratory of Research in Practical Philosophy (L.R.P.Ph.), vol. V, 2021-2022, Rhodes: L.R.Ph.P., pp. 14-22.
  • 2023. «Preface. Inclusion: Releasing the openess (Préface. Inclusion: Dégageant l’ouverture)», in: Joachin, A., Pédagogie inclusive. Un véritable marqueur anthropologique, sociologique et éthique, Paris: Edilivre, pp. 7-17.
  • 2023. Theodoropoulou, Ε., Kitsiou, A., «Quality Assurance Requirements for Student-Centred Learning and Teaching Strategies: The UAegean case-study», in: Gavriilidou, Ζ, Transforming Higher Education Teaching Practice: Selected papers of the 1st International Conference of the Network of Teaching and Learning Centers in Greece Editions of the Network of Learning and Teaching Centers in Greek Universities, Κomotini, pp. 143-8.
  • 2024.  ”Arrive-t-il?” – La personne, l’échafaudage, la pensée philosophique”, in: Roux, Al. (dir.), Quelle philosophie de l’esprit? Mélanges offerts à Jean-Louis Vieillard-Baron, Paris: Hermann, 2024, pp. 45-55.
  • 2024. Editor of the Amechanon. International Journal of the «Laboratory of Research on Practical Philosophy» (L.R.P.Ph.), vol. III, 2020-2022, Rhodes: L.R.P.Ph.
  • 2024. «Hints of performance in/for Practical Philosophy», Introduction to the Dossier: «Performance & Practical Philosophy», Amechanon. International Journal of the «Laboratory of Research on Practical Philosophy» (L.R.P.Ph.), vol. III, 2020-2022, Rhodes: L.R.P.Ph., pp. 24-38.
  • 2024. Theodoropoulou, E. & Moreau, D. (dir.), «Proceedings of the 2nd On-line Doctoral Students International Seminar: Research Themes II», Amechanon. International Journal of the «Laboratory of Research on Practical Philosophy» (L.R.P.Ph.), vol. III, 2020-2022, Rhodes: L.R.P.Ph., pp. 188-528.
  • 2024. «Pour un espace ouvert de recherche» (in collab. with Moreau, D.), Introduction in: Theodoropoulou, E. & Moreau, D. (dir.), «Proceedings of the 2nd On-line Doctoral Students International Seminar: Research Themes II», Amechanon. International Journal of the «Laboratory of Research on Practical Philosophy» (L.R.P.Ph.), vol. III, 2020-2022, Rhodes: L.R.P.Ph., pp. 190-194.
  • 2024. «De la banalité du dialogue en éducation», in: Theodoropoulou, E. & Moreau, D. (dir.), «Proceedings of the 2nd On-line Doctoral Students International Seminar: Research Themes II», Amechanon. International Journal of the «Laboratory of Research on Practical Philosophy» (L.R.P.Ph.), vol. III, 2020-2022, Rhodes: L.R.P.Ph., pp. 246-263.
  • 2024. Ιnterviewed by Elena Theodoropoulou: Arno Gisinger, «‘Practical philosophy and photography’, Amechanon. International Journal of the «Laboratory of Research on Practical Philosophy» (L.R.P.Ph.), vol. III, 2020-2022, Rhodes: L.R.P.Ph., pp. 611-621/ Walter Kohan, «‘… still traveling…’, ibid, pp. 622-638/ Paul Standish, «“«Philosophy» is a strange word”, ibid, pp. 639-652.
  • 2024. Editor of the Proceedings of the 2nd On-line International Biennale of Practical Philosophy: Philosophy in Praxis. The philosophical gesture: political, ethical, educational, artistic engagements, November 25-28, 2021, Rhodes: L.R.P.Ph., 2024, pp. 16-64 (//
  • 2024. «Introduction: Steps, Moments and Ways for a Laboratory of Research on Practical Philosophy», in: Theodoropoulou, E. (ed., introd.), Proceedings of the 2nd On-line International Biennale of Practical Philosophy: Philosophy in Praxis. The philosophical gesture: political, ethical, educational, artistic engagements, November 25-28, 2021, Rhodes: L.R.P.Ph., 2024, pp. 16-64 (//
  • 2025. «”Comme un funambule”: pour un petit geste d’éthique professionnelle en éducation», in: Nal, E. (dir.), Histoire, philosophie et sens de l’école. Mélanges offerts à Eirick Prairat, Ed. de l’université de Lorraine/EDUL, pp. 55-65.
Learning Material:
  • 2008-9. For the course: «Introduction to philosophy of education», Licence, Studies in Distance on Sciences of Education, Doctoral School of theUniversity Paris 8 Saint-Denis in collaboration with the Institute of Teaching in Distance, [9 Sessions] (
  • 2012-3. For the course in distance: “Ethics of Education”-Master 2 Sciences of Education, mention Education, formation and social intervention (EFIS), section, “Ethics for the environment”
  • 2016. For the course: «Values Education & Environment. Questions of Applied Ethics. Master eEnvironnement», Department of Sciences of Preschool Education and Educational Design [10 Units]
  • 2019. For the course: «Philosophical Dimensions of the Pedagogical Praxis” in the frame of the annual Program of in Distance Training in Musical Pedagogy, Center of Formation and of Continuous Learning /e-Learning throughout life., University of the Aegean [4 Sessions]
  • 2023. «Philosophical Tour» (a philosophical narration in collab. with E. Nikolakopoulou), in: Walk to Plato’s Academy, Dipylon, Society for the Study of Ancient Topography (for more information, see here:
  • 2024. Coordination & Αnimation of Discussion Workshops in Kindergarten (under the titles: Tout autour, la mer & Où est la fin du monde?) in the framework of the Project PhileAct-Philosophy, Childhood, Action and Citizenship (KA220-HED – Cooperation partnerships in higher education/Erasmus+) in the framework of the UNESCO Chair “Pratiques de la philosophie avec les enfants” under the coordination of the University of Nantes. January-February 2024, Rhodes (for the Explanatory note, see here:, for the video entitled Tout autour, la mer, here: & for the video entitled Où est la fin du monde?, here:
  • August 2024. “Livret pour la Formation: Concevoir et animer des modules de formation aux ateliers philosophie avec les enfants et adolescents”, collective production within the framework of the Erasmus project PhiléAct, published by INSPE /Académie de Nantes and the Unesco Chair “Pratiques de la philosophie avec les enfants: une base éducative pour le dialogue interculturel et la transformation sociale”, co-financed by the European Union. More specifically, chapter G. “Des exemples de Formation”: C. In Greece: The Laboratory of Research of the University of the Aegean (Faculty of Human Sciences, Rhodes), pp. 40-5 (

Administrative Experience & Positions

  • 2001-2002: Representative of Lecturers at the Senate of the University of the Aegean.
  • 2006-2018: Departmental  Responsible for the Erasmus program & member of the Erasmus Committee of the Aegean University [ & 2010-2014: Erasmus Coordinator for the School of Humanities].
  • 2010-2014: elected Head of the “Department of Preschool Education Sciences & Educational Design”. During her presidency, took place [in the framework of the implementation of the Legislative Framework on Quality Assurance in Higher Education (Law 3374/2005, Law 3577/2007, Law 4794/2009)], the first external evaluation of the Department.
  • 2011-2014: Vice Dean of the School of Humanities.
  • 2011-12: Director of the Postgraduate Studies Program “Models for the Design and Development of Educational Units”.
  • 2005-2015, Vice Director of the Laboratory “Pedagogical and Psychological Research and their Applications” of D.P.E.S.E.D.
  • 2008-2015,  Vice Director of the Informal Sector of Pedagogical Studies and General Didactics of the Program of Studies of the Department of Preschool Education and Educational Design.
  • 2010-2012: Vice-President of  the Τeaching School of D.P.E.S.E.D: «Konstantinos Karatheodoris»
  • 2010-2013: Secretary of the presidium of the “Assembly of Heads and Deans of  Pedagogical Departments”.
  • 2013-4: President of the “Assembly of Heads and Deans of Pedagogical Departments of Greece”.
  • Participation in the Coordinating Committee of the Postgraduate Studies Programs of of the Department of Preschool Education & Educational Design: “Environmental Education”, “Children’s Book & Pedagogical Material”, “Models of Design and Development of Educational Units” & “New Forms of Education & Learning”.
  • Participation in the formulation and drafting committee of the proposal “Practical Exercise of Higher Education”, within the framework of the Operational Program “Development of Human Capital, Education & Learning through Life, 2014-2020» II, II, “Vocational Guidance and Link to the Labor Market”, Measure 2.4.
  • Participation in the project team for the formulation of the institutional proposal for the “Inter-University – Transnational – Interdepartmental Postgraduate Program” Environmental Education”, in the Axis of Cooperation: Greece – Turkey – Black Sea Countries.
  • Participation in the project team for the formulation and submission of the institutional proposal, in the framework of  the Operational Program “Development of Human Capital, Education & Learning through Life, 2014-2020» II, for the financing of actions, “School Environmental Education Programs”. Participation in the support team and evaluator in the same project.
  • Member of the Special Interdepartmental Committee within the framework of the Interdepartmental and Interuniversity Postgraduate Program “Socio-cultural education and training of facilitators” (co-organized by the Department of Education at the Preschool Age of the Democritus University of Thrace, the Department of Philosophy, Pedagogy and Psychology / Sector of Psychology at the Kapodistrian University of Athens and the Department of Preschool Education & Educational Design of the University of the Aegean).
  • Member of the Selection Council of School Counselors for Primary Education, Preschool and Special Education (2007/8, Government Gazette No. 351.1 / 107/37789 / Δ1).
  • Member of the “Cooperation Committee of the Municipality of Rhodes with Higher Educational Institutions”.
  • 2008-2010: Coordinator in the frame the “Special Education Τraining Program” (for the sub-project of South Aegean- Rhodes/Department of Preschool Education Sciences & Educational Design).
  • 2010-: Responsible of the Doctoral Studies Program of the Department of Preschool Education Sciences & Educational Design
  • Director of the Laboratory of Research on Practical Philosophy (L.R.P.Ph.).
  • 2015-2018. Dean of the School of Humanities of the University of the Aegean.
  • Member of the Committee for the “Establishment of a Selection Committee for Members of the Regional Scientific Research and Innovation Council (PSEK), Law 4386/2016, Decision 205/2016, of 26-8-2016 meeting of the Regional Council South Aegean.
  • 2015-2018: Member of Ethics Committee of the Aegean University.
  • 2015-2018: Member of the Postgraduate Studies Committee of the Aegean University.
  • 2015-2018: Member of the Committee of Quality Assurance Unit of the Aegean University.
  • 2018-June 2023: Elected Vice-rectress of Academic Affairs & Students Welfare, University of the Aegean.
  • 2018-June 2023: President of the «Committee of Deontology»  of the University of the Aegean.
  • 2018-June 2023: President of the Committee for  Master Studies of the University of the Aegean.
  • 2018-June 2023: Institutional Coordinator of the Erasmus +  programme  of the University of the Aegean.
  • 2018-June 2023: President of the  «Unity of Quality Assurance» of the University of the Aegean.
  • 2018-June 2023: Institutional Coordinator of the «Consultant Service of Psychological Support» of the University of the Aegean.
  • 2020-June 2023: Institutional Coordinator of the «Centre Teaching & learning Support» of the University of the Aegean.
  • 2020-June 2023: Institutional Coordinator of the «Liaison Office» of the University of the Aegean.
  • 2018-2023: General Secretary at  the EUA [European University Association] representing the Greek Rector’s Synod.
  • July 2023-Aug. 2026: Elected member of the Administrative Council of the University of the Aegean.

Books and Journals covers

Images οf woman
4_Περιβαλλοντική εκπαίδευση_Ερευνητικά δεδομένα & Εκπαιδευτικος σχεδιασμός
7_ Ιωάννης Χρυσόστομος
9_Το Πανεπιστήμιο του 21ου αιώνα
10_a_Κείμενα Παιδείας_Henri Bergson-Ατραπός
12_Η εγκοπή της Φιλοσοφίας της Παιδείας_Εισαγωγή_εξώφυλλο
13_a_Φιλοσοφία για παιδιά_Κουκλονοσοκομείο_Διάδραση
13_b_ Φιλοσοφία για παιδιά_Κουκλονοσοκομείο_Ατραπός
14_ Η παιδαγωγική πρόκληση της πολυπολιτισμικότητας
15_ Κείμενα Παιδειας_Henri Wallon
16_Φιλοσοφία της Παιδείας_λόγοι_όψεις_διαδρομές
17_ a_Περιβαλλοντική Ηθική_από την έρευνα και τη θεωρία στην εφαρμογή_ Διάδραση
17_b_Περιβαλλοντική Ηθική_από την έρευνα και τη θεωρία στην εφαρμογή_Ατραπός
18_Sens et formation_De sens ches Eschyle
19_Filosofia de la education y pedagogia
20_Yε Κύε _Οι Ολυμπιακοί Αγώνες στην Αρχαιότητα
21_ H έρευνα στις Επιστήμες της Αγωγής_gr
21_Recherche Doctorale dans le Departement des Sciences de Education Prescolaire et de l' Ingeniere Educative _fr
21_Research in Sciences of Education_en
22_Φιλοσοφία Φιλοσοφία εισαι εδώ;_Κάνοντας φιλοσοφία με παιδιά
23_Φιλοσοφία της Παιδείας_όψεις της πράξης_εξώφυλλο
24_a_Η ηθική στην Εκπαίδευση_Φιλοσοφικές ανιχνεύσεις και φιλοσοφικά ξέφωτα_gr
24_b_Ethique en Education_ Depistages et clairieres philosophiques_fr
24_c_ Ethics in Education_Philosophical tracings and clearings_en
28_Connecting Didactics, Competences and Attitudes_τόμος Α
29_Connecting Didactics_Competences and Attitudes_Τόμος Β
34_Πρακτικά _1ης_Biennale
35_Εκπαίδευση παιδιών με ειδικές ανάγκες
36_Lifelong learning Programme_Leonardo Da Vinci
37_Περιβαλλοντική Εκπαίδευση και Αειφόρος Ανάπτυξη_Κείμενα προβληματισμού με καινοτόμες προσεγγίσεις
38. PreBiennale2020_Proceedings_cover page
38a. PreBiennale2020_Proceedings_page de couverture
38b. PreBiennale2020_Proceedings_εξώφυλλο
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Copyright 2019 – Elena Theodoropoulou 

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